The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 77

Good morning everyone and welcome once again to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens. Another amazing and beautiful morning – the last day of May 2020. The last day of beautiful May that we never again witness in this year, a year and a month that has brought great sadness and grief to many people but also a month that has brought great beauty and happiness to people and here on the farm, even though times are very difficult we have had great beauty in our plants, flowers, animal births and tremendous joy with our two wonderful grandchildren and again I feel I must return to the subject of nature as it is deeply engrained on The Mindful Farmers mind. I feel when I am on nature my deepest prayers are formed here and it being Sunday I believe it is appropriate on this last day of May. For those of you who believe that prayer is restricted to those only who are religious, pious or spiritual it is not so and neither can it be said that those of you who have no religion or beliefs are not in prayers. Prayer is the activity of the soul and each soul is so different and the Eternal is related to each of us in a unique way but the prayers of the soul speaks itself in each life differently and it is impossible and not right for any of us to judge the other. You may think that you know someone in society or life but we have no idea what is going on through their soul or destiny. We have no idea what narrative God is writing for us on this Sunday, the last day of May. We are all ready and in this drama of life but thank God we have not seen the script and will not and need not.

Continue to pray, bless and heal each other and keep that smile.

The Mindful Farmer



The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 78


The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 76