The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary 317

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm, gardens and RetrEat centre on day 27 of our latest lock down. This morning the neighbourhood is cold with the winter freeze but soon we will experience the death of winter and the birth of spring, but also this morning in Ballinwillin we mourn the death and passing of Joe Mulcahy our neighbour, a legend in the music business and a founding member of the famous Maurice Mulcahy Band. A band that gave huge enjoyment to thousands of people worldwide. This morning our prayers are with his family, friends and neighbours. Now destiny calls Joe to a place of music where his trumpet will sound again for all our spiritual enjoyment, where his heart will always remain generous, all heavenly doors will open to his musical light as you now quietly befriend your death and you have no need to fear. You are among your own orchestra in the big band with your pure white suit you are now equal to your destiny and nearer to Earths heart. Rest in peace Joe. Continue to pray, bless and power healing to all who need it and wear your smile.

The Mindful Farmer


diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 222

What I am going to talk to you about today is “man in the field”. This was prompted by a lovely TV documentary on TG4 recently and they were saying that back in the 50s and 60s in rural Ireland no matter what time of the day you would always see a man, woman or people in the fields but not so much anymore.

Good morning to everyone out there and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm, gardens and RetrEat centre on day 2 of our new lock down. It is a lovely morning here and everyone is in a very positive mood here. Well, did you do your 3 minutes this morning before your day began? Great! It will help you greatly during your day. What I am going to talk to you about today is “man in the field”. This was prompted by a lovely TV documentary on TG4 recently and they were saying that back in the 50s and 60s in rural Ireland no matter what time of the day you would always see a man, woman or people in the fields but not so much anymore. You will nearly always see a man in the fields in Ballinwillin House Farm and I spend as much time as possible in the fields with nature and the animals. But around the country the farmers are in their fields also but farming methods have changed and become very mechanised. But it is up to all of us to be in the fields or in nature as much as possible and soaking up the magnetic forces of Mother Earth. So today, irrespective of your gender, be the man in the fields, be mindful, be positive and pray, bless and send healing to all and wear your lovely smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 215

Last night, and most nights during Autumn, Winter and Spring we always have a blazing warm fire in the living room and I always say it is another personality in the room and I always like to praise the presence of fire. For centuries we have sat around the heart of the fireplace. We have dreamed into it. We have watched the flames spurt forth light reminding us that our flame also burns from within and it is from within we all find our own home, our own happiness that helps us breathe a new urgency into our life.

Welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm, gardens and RetrEat centre on another beautiful morning here and day 10 into our new lock down. It is as if the light and the beauty of the weather is nursing and nourishing us forward into positivity and warmth. Last night, and most nights during Autumn, Winter and Spring we always have a blazing warm fire in the living room and I always say it is another personality in the room and I always like to praise the presence of fire. For centuries we have sat around the heart of the fireplace. We have dreamed into it. We have watched the flames spurt forth light reminding us that our flame also burns from within and it is from within we all find our own home, our own happiness that helps us breathe a new urgency into our life. It is a very short time from spark to flame and this time will pass too, this time of suffering that we are enduring now but breathe in the embers of this pandemic. We will rediscover our drive, our ambitions, our passion. We will find the courage to cause our wonderful lives to flow again and the flame of who we are meant to be will glow ever brightly. If you will, have a fire tonight or if not light a candle and dream into it for a brighter and glowing future. Continue to pray, and send blessings and healings to each other and wear your sunny smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 214

It is another beautiful day here at Ballinwillin House Farm and it looks like we are looking into more severe restrictions on day 9 of our new lock down. We had some very dark news again last night. More restrictions to our movements and business. It is very difficult for people of the nation to cope with and similarly here on the farm. Sales start to stop, the B+B will close again and the RetrEats we so badly need are all cancelled.

It is another beautiful day here at Ballinwillin House Farm and it looks like we are looking into more severe restrictions on day 9 of our new lock down. We had some very dark news again last night. More restrictions to our movements and business. It is very difficult for people of the nation to cope with and similarly here on the farm. Sales start to stop, the B+B will close again and the RetrEats we so badly need are all cancelled. How I manage to deal with this crazy pandemic world is by prayer and meditation and sending healing to all who need it. Up to March 2020 we were all used to a free life and always needing to be in control but now we see who is in control. But now is the time to be strong, in a quiet, gentle and sensitive way and we must trust God to take control. What other way is there? Mother Nature is deeply wounded. Many of us have a blind hardness when aspects of our life is threatened but it is the gift of prayer that softens and nourishes our hardened and fearful hearts. Now as I write my blog, I know and believe God will rescue us but we need to learn our lesson and pray daily and send blessing and healings to each other and support each other. Be careful. Be mindful and smile with softness and knowing.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 213

It is another beautiful, mild morning here this morning. The silence is beautiful only to be broken intermittently by the rutting stag telling us it is his time and that’s for sure. It is amazing how natures clock works for all animals and I believe it is fantastic how you cannot control them – just leave it be.

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm, gardens and RetrEat centre on day 8 of our new lock down. It is another beautiful, mild morning here this morning. The silence is beautiful only to be broken intermittently by the rutting stag telling us it is his time and that’s for sure. It is amazing how natures clock works for all animals and I believe it is fantastic how you cannot control them – just leave it be. They are happy and happiness only comes to us in the present moment. If you are happy now then there is nothing else to accomplish and if you dare wonder if you will be happy tomorrow or in the next five minutes from now you will lose the now and forget to be happy now. All our planning, scheming and dreaming takes away from the now and your present happiness. So for today, focus on the now happiness and be still. Be who you are meant to be and don’t forget to pray and send healing and blessings to each other and wear your smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 206

Small producers like Ballinwillin all over the country producing wonderful organic and natural foods are going to join hands with Mother Earth and savour her fruits and then distribute these fruits to their local communities and supply them with health food products for the health of their bodies, brain, gut and mental health. That is what we are all going to do together through social media and Neighbour Food markets and our own farm shop online platform.

Welcome once again to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens and welcome to our new lock down, day 1. What can I say? Everything closed down at Ballinwillin again. What are we going to do? Well, I will tell you. Small producers like Ballinwillin all over the country producing wonderful organic and natural foods are going to join hands with Mother Earth and savour her fruits and then distribute these fruits to their local communities and supply them with health food products for the health of their bodies, brain, gut and mental health. That is what we are all going to do together through social media and Neighbour Food markets and our own farm shop online platform. There are many bad things happening all over the world right now and Mother Earth and nature is not happy and is lashing out at us all. We must readjust and follow on from the above mentioned we must sit for a while each day in silence, stillness, meditation and prayer drawing from the limitless spirit within us to lead us into kindness, openness of heart, goodness, wellbeing, generosity and goodwill. Lets bring good news and as we say daily the greatest joy we can bring to ourselves is to send prayer, blessing and healing to each other and all who we meet on a daily basis and wear that smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 189

Well The Mindful Farmer did such a thing this morning. I went for a beautiful, meditative walk along the seashore over rocks and walls and admiring all the beauty around me until I came to a very special rock formation and I immediately called it my gaze, my gaze where all I roam and looked through this window of sheer beauty and magic. When I look through this magic window do I see part of myself outside?

Good morning everyone and welcome to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on this very beautiful and sunny Sunday September morning and day 89 out of lock down. Another day for us all to take some time out, rest, go for a mindful walk or do something that relaxes you. Well The Mindful Farmer did such a thing this morning. I went for a beautiful, meditative walk along the seashore over rocks and walls and admiring all the beauty around me until I came to a very special rock formation and I immediately called it my gaze, my gaze where all I roam and looked through this window of sheer beauty and magic. When I look through this magic window do I see part of myself outside? Do I understand it myself? Can I embrace it and turn it into the gift that it is? Yes I can today and because the immediate rock fall all around is grey it reminds me quickly that nothing in the world is black or white but everything like this landscape is made up of grey. I embraced that thought for a while and then as I angled my vision in a different direction through this narrow magic window I see a beautiful tuft of golden and crimson little flowers waving at me and fluttering, and beautiful, and letting me know noddingly that if we can survive here on this rocky out crop we can all survive in our grey, rocky world if we pray, bless and send healing to each other. Wear your Sunday September smile and have a beautiful, mindful and peaceful day.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 188

It was great to be alone in the garden this morning at dawn as the day was beginning to express its light through a veil of fog and parting darkness. It was as if the new day was emerging with shyness and reminding me that the nature I am enjoying and experiencing here at Ballinwillin House and in the farm is the highest truth from Mother Earth, Mother Nature.

Good morning everyone and welcome to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on another amazingly beautiful September morning and day 83 out of lock down. It was great to be alone in the garden this morning at dawn as the day was beginning to express its light through a veil of fog and parting darkness. It was as if the new day was emerging with shyness and reminding me that the nature I am enjoying and experiencing here at Ballinwillin House and in the farm is the highest truth from Mother Earth, Mother Nature. This morning it is silent, pure and full of glory, mystery and peaceful joy and I feel it is entering deeply as I awaken to the new day reminding me that whatever the present moment and this new dawn holds, accept it as if I had chosen it specifically for me, my family and friends and that I have a duty to live and work by it. It is our duty to live this day as the gift that it is and be mindful, helpful, live in the now. Continue to pray for all especially for those coping with Covid19. Continue to bless and send healing to each other and wear your sunny September smile. It takes very little to make someone happy.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 187

What would our world be like if the animals in this world were as competitive as the humans? Our deer, wild boar and goats would kill each other to get the best and choice grass and herbage birds would destroy each others nests, bees would kill each other to get nectar and the more honey they made the more honour they would receive.

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on another beautiful September morning on day 82 out of lock down. When working the fields this morning after a beautiful gratitude meditation the following thoughts came into my mind:- what would our world be like if the animals in this world were as competitive as the humans? Our deer, wild boar and goats would kill each other to get the best and choice grass and herbage birds would destroy each others nests, bees would kill each other to get nectar and the more honey they made the more honour they would receive. Yes of course animals and birds compete but they compete to survive. They don’t compete to compete, they don’t survive to compete they just live their lives each day without the need to win or loose. Wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if we could live our lives by sharing rather than competing and if we didn’t have to constantly measure our success by the failures of others and by doing so go our own roads at our own pace and and choose what is mindfully right for us. What use are mirrors in the city of the blind? Continue with the prayers, continue to send blessings and healing to each other. Be mindful. Be caring. Be in the now and wear your September smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 178

Most mornings my talk to you comes from the garden and this morning during meditation I was thinking about this and why it is not a conscious decision but more of a natural draw towards Mother Natures magnetism. We usually see in the morning plants and trees and sometimes animals and when I look at the beautiful plants in the morning it fills me with joy and appreciation of the beauty around me but also the space the plants occupy. They flourish if you give them space but don’t we all.

Good morning everyone and welcome once again to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on another beautiful September morning and day 73 out of lock down. Most mornings my talk to you comes from the garden and this morning during meditation I was thinking about this and why it is not a conscious decision but more of a natural draw towards Mother Natures magnetism. We usually see in the morning plants and trees and sometimes animals and when I look at the beautiful plants in the morning it fills me with joy and appreciation of the beauty around me but also the space the plants occupy. They flourish if you give them space but don’t we all. When we feel we are in space we feel free. We have more room in our hearts for others. We open up for hospitality. We open up to give to others and all this leads to new possibilities and friends. Often times new ideas and all possibilities can be imprisoned inside our hearts, inside ourselves and even inside our own homes but things can always change if we open up in space and allow what and who we take into our hearts to change us for the better. My parents back in West Limerick would always say “if there is no room in the heart then there is no room in the house”.

Have a beautiful September day. Be mindful. Be careful. Continue to pray, heal and send blessings to all and wear your smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 173

Another meditative morning walk through the fields and on passing all my fallen trees the stinging pain of loss rifted through my mind and body but as I walked onwards I admired all the younger trees and beautiful animals and birds all interacting with each other. It became very clear that nature has immense power, both to nurture life and to destroy life but this morning I felt its vigour is hugging me back to forgiveness for her recent actions.

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on day 68 out of lock down. Another meditative morning walk through the fields and on passing all my fallen trees the stinging pain of loss rifted through my mind and body but as I walked onwards I admired all the younger trees and beautiful animals and birds all interacting with each other. It became very clear that nature has immense power, both to nurture life and to destroy life but this morning I felt its vigour is hugging me back to forgiveness for her recent actions. This morning I could feel the spirituality of nature all around me with its tapestry of faith, compassion and love and it is saying to me that the health of our nation and the wellbeing of our people is measured according to our harmony with nature. The fresh air we breathe in has a penetrating potency and will infuse all believers with the dew of hope. Continue to pray, bless and send healing to each other, be mindful and wear that smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 166

Yes, we have survived another storm last evening but we live in hope that is may have passed but as always in life things come and go and pass and we then have new beginnings again. Last night before I retired and again this morning the master stags have begun the rut and were roaring all night. Beautiful, expressive and wild and their circle of life is beginning again, it was their time to procreate again, their time to give new life and they were announcing it quite clearly as their powerful roar penetrated the night and morning sky.

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on day 61 out of lock down. Yes, we have survived another storm last evening but we live in hope that is may have passed but as always in life things come and go and pass and we then have new beginnings again. Last night before I retired and again this morning the master stags have begun the rut and were roaring all night. Beautiful, expressive and wild and their circle of life is beginning again, it was their time to procreate again, their time to give new life and they were announcing it quite clearly as their powerful roar penetrated the night and morning sky. They are always content with nature. What can we learn from them? I believe the following – we must be content with what we have, where we live, rejoice in the way things are and in doing so we realise there is nothing lacking and the whole world can belong to us. So today, be content, be happy, be mindful, be prayerful and send blessings and healings to each other and wear that smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

Mother Nature is unleashing all her sadness on us at the present time and this morning she is certainly crying a lot. There are times when people who don’t know about farming would ask us how we keep going in this business and the answer for us is simple – we love what we do and we joy in the idea that we are producing quality organic meats for the health of our consumers.

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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 163

Work yesterday we were concentrating on the gardens and we will continue here for the rest of this week. It was bitter sweet work. On one hand you see the destruction and on the other you see the remaining beauty and some plants saying at us “we escaped” and “we are here” and “cheer up”. There is no doubt that the earth and Mother Nature has its own voice and its own way of expressing its unhappiness with our behaviour but by listening to her, the birds, the animals and us all can find our own way home even from far distant places.

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on day 58 out of lock down. Work yesterday we were concentrating on the gardens and we will continue here for the rest of this week. It was bitter sweet work. On one hand you see the destruction and on the other you see the remaining beauty and some plants saying at us “we escaped” and “we are here” and “cheer up”. There is no doubt that the earth and  Mother Nature has its own voice and its own way of expressing its unhappiness with our behaviour but by listening to her, the birds, the animals and us all can find our own way home even from far distant places. Nothing hurts more than being ignored and I believe Mother Nature feels that way now and she is expressing her unhappiness in a stormy manner. There are more storms on the way today and for today let us pray for a better relationship between us all and Mother Nature, Mother Earth and continue to send blessings and healings to each other and wear that smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 160

Today is our third day of clear up after Storm Ellen. It will take a long time for this clean up and then we will assess the entire damage and make a plan for the future, design and layout of the landscape to the farm and gardens. It is early days and too soon to make decisions and the wounds of all must heal.

Good morning everyone and welcome to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on day 55 of lock down. Today is our third day of clear up after Storm Ellen. It will take a long time for this clean up and then we will assess the entire damage and make a plan for the future, design and layout of the landscape to the farm and gardens. It is early days and too soon to make decisions and the wounds of all must heal. I feel I must withdraw for a while into my own tranquility and loosen from my heart this pain and free myself from this wounded gaze and not allow myself a sense of wilt. I must draw from the deep dignity of nature and try to understand her violent blow. I will take her and her time carefully because I know that there is a time for everything and for healing too. Nature is hurting, I am hurting, our family is hurting and our nation is hurting. We must pray for fresh healing and the grace for a new journey and now if ever is that time. We must continue to pray, bless and send healing to each other and wear that smile no matter where and how the wind blows.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 158

This morning as we walked the fields checking on fences, trees and animal wellbeing after a torrid night I could not but think of all unrest we have at the moment, Covid controlling our people, storms terrifying our people, all culminating in a state of serious upset for our nation and people, their physical health and mental health. When a storm rages and I as a farmer have to be out there to monitor all the possible problems and damages and we have had many serious storms over the last few years – this was the most severe. I see the world in an entirely different picture. How temporary everything is, how fragile we can be.

Good morning to you and welcome to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on a stormy, wet morning after a ragingly stormy night and day 53 out of lock down. This morning as we walked the fields checking on fences, trees and animal wellbeing after a torrid night I could not but think of all unrest we have at the moment, Covid controlling our people, storms terrifying our people, all culminating in a state of serious upset for our nation and people, their physical health and mental health. When a storm rages and I as a farmer have to be out there to monitor all the possible problems and damages and we have had many serious storms over the last few years – this was the most severe. I see the world in an entirely different picture. How temporary everything is, how fragile we can be. It always opens a window of another dimension and in the eye of the raging storm there is always excitement and I cannot explain it in a specific way but it is surely a glimpse of the divine and powerful energy of God. It also tells me that if we are not happy in our lives and not living in the beauty and peace of the now we will always have disturbances in our soul. We need to pray more for peace and health and calm in our country and continue to send healing to each other and blessings. We are not doing enough. Wear that smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 87

The Mindful Farmer is in a very grateful frame of mind, grateful for the dry weather to enable us to do the harvest, grateful to all the people who have helped along the way from the person who mowed it, turned it twice daily for 5 days (Chris), the man who rolled and baled it and all the lads who helped draw it in until late last night.

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on day 87 of a new and different world. We were working very late last night drawing in our baled hay into the barn and we have a little bit more to do this morning and The Mindful Farmer is in a very grateful frame of mind, grateful for the dry weather to enable us to do the harvest, grateful to all the people who have helped along the way from the person who mowed it, turned it twice daily for 5 days (Chris), the man who rolled and baled it and all the lads who helped draw it in until late last night. It was just like the old days back in West Limerick with plenty of people helping but the machinery nowadays can do in a week what took us 8 weeks back then. It is still a very nostalgic time for me and the smell of fresh sweet scented meadow hay is never far away from my nostrils and happy dreams and thoughts. So this morning I am going to mindfully pray for all these people who helped me so generously in the past week and also thank Mother Earth for producing the crop and offers annual ground for harvest and thank her also for the gift of life so that we can walk on her soil in the shade of the glistening galaxies. Let us salute her silence and her certainty and her sublime stillness and let her dreams fill all our hearts with joy. Bless our harvest and the harvest of all farmers and thank God and the humility of Mother Earth. It transfigures all. My heart is joyous and full.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 84

Yesterday as I was out in the meadow I was being mindful and noticing all that was going on and all the birds alighting onto the bare cut fields and digging for worms and singing as they went along. I was also noticing the fragrance of the sweet scented meadow as it was alive and breathing softness in my direction.

Good morning everyone and welcome once again to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens. Still a little dull here and not good for my crop of hay so I am praying hard for fine weather so all of you out there help me out here. Yesterday as I was out in the meadow I was being mindful and noticing all that was going on and all the birds alighting onto the bare cut fields and digging for worms and singing as they went along. I was also noticing the fragrance of the sweet scented meadow as it was alive and breathing softness in my direction. It was refreshing to my heart and kept me reminded that I am a child of Mother Earth and she was breathing life into the nature all around me. Soon my animals will be able to consume the gift of the hay and its sweetness and richness that flows from Mother Earth. So as we pray for fine weather to save this golden crop I hope my eyes with desire will fill the barn and what a beautiful sight it is to see a full barn at harvest time. But this sight can sometimes be lost because it is a simple, usual and annual sight that may seem worn by our usual and casual eyes. We should not take such wonder for granted and indeed all other wonders like life, happiness and health.

Continue to pray, bless and heal each other and wear that smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 74

This morning, my mind diverted to thoughts of “solitude”. There are times in my life when I like to live in solitude, where I take time to recognise the presence, power and light of my soul. During this time I realise the shape of my soul is unique and I have a special destiny here and behind the facade of my life.

Good morning everyone and welcome once again to Ballinwillin House Farm on this fabulous May morning. This morning as I was meditation and bending my mind back to our session yesterday which I really enjoyed and thank you for joining me and I apologise again about the technical glitch at the end. I hope you got enough out of the session and I will do it again on Wednesday next. But getting back to my thoughts this morning, my mind diverted to thoughts of “solitude”. There are times in my life when I like to live in solitude, where I take time to recognise the presence, power and light of my soul. During this time I realise the shape of my soul is unique and I have a special destiny here and behind the facade of my life. There is something beautiful and eternal happening and that is my wish for all of you also, that we will all learn to see ourselves with the same delight, pride and expectation with which God sees us in every moment. That is the real purpose in life in my opinion and irrespective of our differences in religion, language or concept, there is no heart that is without this inner divine reference.

Continue to pray, bless and heal each other.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 70

As usual we will do our garden tour – on a Sunday morning it is my way of expressing thanks for those beautiful gardens even though the wind and rain have blown away all the lovely blossoms. That’s natures first strike against this week

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens. Another wet and windy May morning. As usual we will do our garden tour – on a Sunday morning it is my way of expressing thanks for those beautiful gardens even though the wind and rain have blown away all the lovely blossoms. That’s natures first strike against this week. Nature hit at us again during the night as a group of foxes attacked our young baby deer and killed 3 of them. It is horrible to see even though John and I took turns walking the fields during the night they were too clever for us. This happens every year. We take turns doing 4 hour shifts. It is tough going for the next 4 – 6 weeks. Once more I am taught another lesson about nature. It has beautiful and gentle moments but nature also has incredible power to harm just as we say last night, what can I learn from it? I must learn to recognise that this river and this gentleness and beauty are part of the same nature and we must all learn to face the paradox of our own potential for greatness and destructive power too. But today we must rise up and feel part of nature even with all her tempestuousness and learn to live in harmony with her. It is just like family living, it will always test you.

Continue to pray, bless and heal each other.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 69

. I noticed all the animals in a very joyful mood, dancing and bounding around in a playful manner. They say the animals see and feel good weather before we do and also when bad weather is approaching you see them gather and shelter and retreat into themselves.

Good morning everyone and welcome to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens. A wild, wet and windy May morning. Very unusual weather here at the foothills of the Galtee mountains, normally it is mild at this time of year. I noticed all the animals in a very joyful mood, dancing and bounding around in a playful manner. They say the animals see and feel good weather before we do and also when bad weather is approaching you see them gather and shelter and retreat into themselves. So I am going to talk to you this morning about “joy”, inspired by my animal friends. Joy is playful with their parents and children. Joy is light hearted like deer calves ballet dancing. Joy is lively like a stream flowing down the side of the mountains, spilling and splashing our rocks and willows but joy is also being one with the moment. Like our retriever Marley, fully stretched out in a patch of sunlight, or to see a bee buzzing busily around the fragrant flowers. The quiet and ultimate joy for me, my family and friends and all you out there is that inner joy radiating out from your heart to indicate all whose acquaintance you meet and greet. So for today I want you to radiate out joy to the world.

Continue to pray, bless and heal each other.

The Mindful Farmer


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