The Mindful Farmer's Daily Diary - Day 21

Good morning everyone and welcome once again to Ballinwillin House Farm.  The weather here this morning is misty but the feel of spring is everywhere and all of nature’s goodness is bursting forth from beneath the soil.

Today being Sunday is always a special day of rest but it is also the first Sunday in April and April, being stress awareness month, we must focus our minds today and raise a thought of prayer for all sectors of society that are being invaded by stress now invaded by coved 19, no family is escaping and stress is not good for your health so it is very important to live outside in the fresh air, take some exercise,  get plenty of clean oxygen to your brain and all bodily cells.  

Earlier this week we prayed for help for the 25,000 people in the nursing homes and help has arrived. Now today I am asking all of you to pray for stress relief for our nation now that this plague has entered our lives. We must be patient and respectful.  We must learn to withdraw into our own tranquility. Lesson from our hearts and lungs, this new plague, free ourselves from its wounds.

We must encourage our responsibilities and not allow ourselves to wilt. We must draw deep into our dignity and character, temper our expectations with the facts before us and pass our time carefully and lovingly. We know that there is a time in everything and in time there will be healing but now is not that time yet.It will come. To celebrate this day, Sunday, I am going to cheer you all up with a tour of the garden to see how all my shrubs, trees and flowers are doing. 

Talk later. I have a few questions for Biffo. Also a compliment for him but alas a complaint also.

Be safe, pray, bless and smile

The Mindful Farmer


Sinead Carroll

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The Mindful Farmer's Daily Diary - Day 22


The Mindful Farmer's Daily Diary - Day 20