The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 33

Good morning everyone, The Mindful Farmer Patrick here again. It is a little wet here this morning in Ballinwillin House Farm. Yesterday again another very busy day, putting more deer into groups and out to spring grass, moved some wild boar into new paddocks and grouped some goats and their young kids into age groups. But all good healthy work also calling and delivering to Neighbour Food markets and sincere thanks to the people who are ordering these foods, it is a great help to enable us to survive.

What I am going to talk about this morning is planning and how we think we have control. I now think to myself what an eejit you were to be making all these plans. Where are they now? There is very little in our lives that we have full control over, even if we try and plan carefully, even the safest of people. But we can control the way we think and our attitudes and these can change everything.

What has been will be again!

What has been done will be done again and there is new under the sun.

This is new and the time to bring our own personal creative power to birth and we must be creative and fruitful as a precious person and unique in Gods eyes. We must be who we are called to be. Be content with what you have. Rejoice and in good time the world will belong to you again.

Continue to pray, bless and heal each other.

The Mindful Farmer



The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 34


The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 32