The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary 317

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm, gardens and RetrEat centre on day 27 of our latest lock down. This morning the neighbourhood is cold with the winter freeze but soon we will experience the death of winter and the birth of spring, but also this morning in Ballinwillin we mourn the death and passing of Joe Mulcahy our neighbour, a legend in the music business and a founding member of the famous Maurice Mulcahy Band. A band that gave huge enjoyment to thousands of people worldwide. This morning our prayers are with his family, friends and neighbours. Now destiny calls Joe to a place of music where his trumpet will sound again for all our spiritual enjoyment, where his heart will always remain generous, all heavenly doors will open to his musical light as you now quietly befriend your death and you have no need to fear. You are among your own orchestra in the big band with your pure white suit you are now equal to your destiny and nearer to Earths heart. Rest in peace Joe. Continue to pray, bless and power healing to all who need it and wear your smile.

The Mindful Farmer


diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1326

We gather the joys, the sorrows, hope and fears, loves and dreams. I then give thanks for the Gardens and the farm which has been made more authentic, more beautiful, more creative and more wholesome through the year. It is really gratifying to walk through and sit in silence. There is nothing more beautiful, more like God in all the universe, than silence and prayer.

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm, Gardens and RetrEat centre. For me this is a very nostalgic time of the year. Firstly, it is one of great joy when all our dearest who have passed come back to visit us for 24 hours. It is a time I cherish deeply. Also, it is the time of year when we gather our year together and we are grateful for what we have been given and we remember what has passed. It is also a time of year to let go of what has been and is being taken from us. We gather the joys, the sorrows, hope and fears, loves and dreams. I then give thanks for the Gardens and the farm which has been made more authentic, more beautiful, more creative and more wholesome through the year. It is really gratifying to walk through and sit in silence. There is nothing more beautiful, more like God in all the universe, than silence and prayer. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Thursday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1325

During this time also at home in West Limerick my parents would encourage us to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit which empowers us and where we can be a channel of love, joy and peace. What a beautiful and warm feeling to have at any time of the year but especially now.

Good morning everyone and welcome. We are celebrating the festival of Samhain which marks the midway point between the fall and winter solstice. It is a time to gather the harvest and people for the long dark evenings of winter. This tradition dates back 2000 years. It is also the eve of All Saints Day, a time in which christians remember and honour our dead who are believed to return to earth on this night. During this time also at home in West Limerick my parents would encourage us to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit which empowers us and where we can be a channel of love, joy and peace. What a beautiful and warm feeling to have at any time of the year but especially now. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Wednesday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1324

Everyone and anyone can find themselves in a dark space at a particular time but a shaft of light will always appear. Remember, the caterpillar thought his life was over and then he became a beautiful butterfly.

Good morning everyone and welcome. It is amazing what happens when people are in a difficult situation. Some people react quite well while others are unable to be themselves just at that time but they too have a before and an after. We should never close the door to the possibilities of an unfortunate cause or a better tomorrow. They might regret the moment as well. Everyone and anyone can find themselves in a dark space at a particular time but a shaft of light will always appear. Remember, the caterpillar thought his life was over and then he became a beautiful butterfly. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Tuesday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1323

When we trust in God He will prepare the way ahead for us and guide us and wrap a cloak of protection around us. This is my approach to my days and it works beautifully for me

Good morning everyone and welcome. It is a bank holiday weekend and a time to take some time and space to catch up with chores that need attending to. I like to begin the day alone and in meditation and alone with God, my friend, my master, my guide, my healer. This practice I feel is vital for the success of my day. I always begin my days like this. All great teams, great athletes, mentally prepare for their feet ahead so why shouldn't we for the day ahead, our life ahead, for this day? When we trust in God He will prepare the way ahead for us and guide us and wrap a cloak of protection around us. This is my approach to my days and it works beautifully for me while I continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Monday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1322

The gift of this world is our first blessing to enjoy and remember there is a quiet light in every heart, just switch it on

Many times during the past week of RetrEats people would say "I can't do that, I don't have that kind of gift" and we all say it at times. We all have our special and unique talents. We cannot take any credit for our talents but it is how we use them that we can take credit for. The gift of this world is our first blessing to enjoy and remember there is a quiet light in every heart, just switch it on and continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Sunday best smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1321

Inner personal peace is very important for people but for the people all over the world where peace is destroyed by war we all have a duty to pray daily that all that is torn and strained in them will find peace. We also pray for those who risk their lives for peace and that no hurt or harm will come to all these people.

Good morning everyone and welcome. What an enjoyable week we had at Ballinwillin House Farm, Gardens and RetrEat Centre. It was a lovely, peaceful, mindful week of RetrEats and The Mindful Farmer is very grateful for having the opportunity to bring peace into people's lives. It is very rewarding. Inner personal peace is very important for people but for the people all over the world where peace is destroyed by war we all have a duty to pray daily that all that is torn and strained in them will find peace. We also pray for those who risk their lives for peace and that no hurt or harm will come to all these people. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and when blessings are invoked time and people behave differently.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1320

On the other hand if you ask the ordinary, everyday person, friend or family member I'm sure you would have an unedited answer but then again there is no such person as an ordinary person. All people have extraordinary qualities waiting to be realized and accepted. Never look anywhere else for real kindness, real beauty or real wonder. It is right beside you.

Good morning everyone and welcome. Isn't it remarkable that many of us look to celebrities, film stars and even politicians for example for guidance and help. Well we may all be stuck for an answer. On the other hand if you ask the ordinary, everyday person, friend or family member I'm sure you would have an unedited answer but then again there is no such person as an ordinary person. All people have extraordinary qualities waiting to be realized and accepted. Never look anywhere else for real kindness, real beauty or real wonder. It is right beside you. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Friday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1319

People's lives have been swept away in this war like a raging river. What can we do here from Ireland when we feel so helpless? Mostly what we can do now is to pray, pray for the people involved, the leaders to see reason and wisdom and the poor people caught up in this conflict that they will have to draw deeply into their strength, their resources and their dignity and pray for the passing of this senseless war. It will pass too but when?

Good morning everyone and welcome. I am sure you all have been watching the terrible images from Gaza. It is unbearable to see the carnage, especially human carnage, and hot on the heels of 18 months in Ukraine. It is impossible for us here in Ireland to know what it means to suffer like this. People's lives have been swept away in this war like a raging river. What can we do here from Ireland when we feel so helpless? Mostly what we can do now is to pray, pray for the people involved, the leaders to see reason and wisdom and the poor people caught up in this conflict that they will have to draw deeply into their strength, their resources and their dignity and pray for the passing of this senseless war. It will pass too but when? Then there will be time to heal. Pray deeply for the people and power healing, peace, hope and love to them.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1318

There is incredible power in the mind when it directs its light towards an object. We all need healing in various forms so get busy and use your healing powers

Good morning everyone and welcome to Ballinwillin House Farm, Gardens and RetrEat center. During our RetrEat week there is a lot of discussion about healing and who can heal. Yes we all have the power to heal, that huge untapped resource of healing we all possess. When we focus on healing a huge force field opens when intention focuses and directs itself towards transformation. There is incredible power in the mind when it directs its light towards an object. We all need healing in various forms so get busy and use your healing powers and continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Wednesday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1317

One of the views was about being surrounded by cynical people and the other was the opposite - people who take a "sunshine, roses and love" outlook on life. Both sides would say that their views are the right ones based on their lives but in the end we all make our own choices but why in God's name would anyone choose anything other than happiness, sunshine and roses?

Good morning everyone and welcome. Yesterday during RetrEat we had many topics covered as we will during the entire week ahead. One of the views was about being surrounded by cynical people and the other was the opposite - people who take a "sunshine, roses and love" outlook on life. Both sides would say that their views are the right ones based on their lives but in the end we all make our own choices but why in God's name would anyone choose anything other than happiness, sunshine and roses? Looking forward to the rest of the week. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Tuesday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1316

Something I think about a lot is the thought of time slipping away through my fingers like fine sand and there is nothing we can do to slow it down. What I do pray for though is that the Lord would help me to see the shortness of life that I may gain wisdom of heart. The challenge I find is to live a life that is in harmony with our gifts and needs.

Good morning everyone and welcome. Yesterday I was asked the question "is there nothing that haunts you?" My answer after thinking for a few moments was no, there is nothing that haunts me but something I think about a lot is the thought of time slipping away through my fingers like fine sand and there is nothing we can do to slow it down. What I do pray for though is that the Lord would help me to see the shortness of life that I may gain wisdom of heart. The challenge I find is to live a life that is in harmony with our gifts and needs. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Monday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1315

On beautiful days like this being content and happy is as simple as breathing in the next breath or taking the next step. This day is created for everyone to enjoy and savour in the company of our God and as we communicate together joy will fill our hearts and souls.

Good morning everyone and welcome to Ballinwillin House Farm, Gardens and RetrEat center. It is really a very beautiful morning here this morning and The Mindful Farmer is all excited about our forthcoming RetrEat over the next week which is fully booked out. Here this morning it is a morning full of joy with guests, staff, birds, animals and all of nature and joy generously strewn everywhere I look and go. On beautiful days like this being content and happy is as simple as breathing in the next breath or taking the next step. This day is created for everyone to enjoy and savour in the company of our God and as we communicate together joy will fill our hearts and souls. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Sunday best smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1314

I realise now there is no right time to enjoy life but there is always the right time and that is now. Every new day brings us a chance to enjoy this 24 hours so live while it is still ours. The flower blooms for the fruit and when the fruit comes the flower withers.

Good morning everyone and welcome. Last evening I met with a group of people probably 20 years my junior and all the talk was "when I retire", "when the children are all grown", "when the mortgage is paid". We are all quietly thinking that in retirement our lives will change totally and we will be in great shape. I realise now there is no right time to enjoy life but there is always the right time and that is now. Every new day brings us a chance to enjoy this 24 hours so live while it is still ours. The flower blooms for the fruit and when the fruit comes the flower withers. Have a lovely Saturday and continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace and love to all and wear your Saturday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1313

Mam would always say "this world will present many difficulties and disappointments but it is how we deal with them - by leaving them as thorns or turning them into flowers and play a large part in shaping the life we end up with" and then she would finish by saying "Patrick, always go with the flowers."

Good morning everyone and welcome. The weather is still very wet here and on the farm. It presents many difficulties both for man and beast as they say but my late Mam would always say "this world will present many difficulties and disappointments but it is how we deal with them - by leaving them as thorns or turning them into flowers and play a large part in shaping the life we end up with" and then she would finish by saying "Patrick, always go with the flowers." I have never forgotten these golden words of wisdom, thank you Mam. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Friday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1312

Irish people are resourceful and the flood damage that happened in the area over the past 24 hours is now retreating. It is impossible to underestimate the power and strength of our people and there is a huge forcefield that opens up when intention focuses and directs itself towards transformation and now is that time.

Good morning everyone and welcome. We are after a horrendous day and night of rain here in Cork that will pass too. Everything that is in heaven, on the earth and under the earth is penetrated with connectedness and relatedness. Irish people are resourceful and the flood damage that happened in the area over the past 24 hours is now retreating. It is impossible to underestimate the power and strength of our people and there is a huge forcefield that opens up when intention focuses and directs itself towards transformation and now is that time. Continue to pray for all affected by this storm and power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Thursday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1311

To be remembered for its own sake is pointless and vain but to be a safe place, a guiding hand, a reassuring word isn't that precious?

Good morning everyone and welcome. This morning I viewed a WhatsApp video from our grandchildren in Melbourne. They were reciting little poems about nature and it was a joy to watch but Australia is the other end of the world and I often wonder will they remember Granny and Grand Pat and I hope that that doesn't sound too vain but what else can we live for if we don't have some influence or give good examples to those all around us. To be remembered for its own sake is pointless and vain but to be a safe place, a guiding hand, a reassuring word isn't that precious? Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Wednesday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1310

When you reach this stage in life you keep humble, non judgmental and connected to others and find peace with all around you enabling you to recognize in your life the power and light of your soul.

Good morning everyone and welcome. Many of us spend a lot of time worrying about what people think of us, to others it's the opposite. They'd much rather go unnoticed through the crowd. This was a big round table discussion at a food event last night. The final consensus was that when people come to terms with their goals, they have the freedom to see themselves for who they really are. When you reach this stage in life you keep humble, non judgmental and connected to others and find peace with all around you enabling you to recognize in your life the power and light of your soul. For today continue with your prayers especially for peace in our world, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Tuesday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1309

In peaceful situations like this we realize that each new day is a path of wonder, a different invitation. If we could only be mindful of how limited our time on this earth is, you might begin to learn how precious each day is and that destiny travels silently until it arrives. Treat each day as an invitation to live in the now and be who you were meant to be.

Good morning everyone and welcome. Earlier in the quiet of the morning I was watching and listening to the sounds of the morning and I know over the years a lot has been written and sung about the sound of silence. That is what I was doing earlier. The sea was flat, clm. The wind was holding its breath and the grey rocks were pale, frightened by the absence of company. Then, heron floated over the water to make company with the rocks. I could hear the barking of a small dog in the fair headland. These were the only sounds. In peaceful situations like this we realize that each new day is a path of wonder, a different invitation. If we could only be mindful of how limited our time on this earth is, you might begin to learn how precious each day is and that destiny travels silently until it arrives. Treat each day as an invitation to live in the now and be who you were meant to be. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Monday smile. 

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1308

Many of us could be feeling lonely suffering from the blind hardness of life but it is the gift of prayer that softens all our hardened hearts. Daily meditation only for a little while allows us to be gentle and sensitive within ourselves and lets God's love flow freely through our hearts to feel the rush of light spread slowly inside to colour and still our world just like it did through my window of wonder on this beautiful Sunday morning.

Good morning everyone and welcome to another beautiful Sunday morning. It is a wonderful feeling to wake up in the morning and see the sun exploding through the drawn curtains of my room. One could only be thankful and happy. Many of us could be feeling lonely suffering from the blind hardness of life but it is the gift of prayer that softens all our hardened hearts. Daily meditation only for a little while allows us to be gentle and sensitive within ourselves and lets God's love flow freely through our hearts to feel the rush of light spread slowly inside to colour and still our world just like it did through my window of wonder on this beautiful Sunday morning. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Sunday best smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1307

The birds are looking in the window singing "where is our food?". It is all very beautiful and it is life, beautiful life and just like the ocean waves they keep rolling in repeatedly unrelingly reminding us all to live by faith and not by sight. Just like the music of the ocean its echoes are for all to hear and believe.

Good morning everyone and welcome. At this time of year we experience seasonal change quite noticeably. The leaves are beginning to fall, the temperatures are falling, the fires are making a  warm hearted return on our homes. In our case the stag is roaring like a mad one which really signals the autumn rolling into winter. The birds are looking in the window singing "where is our food?". It is all very beautiful and it is life, beautiful life and just like the ocean waves they keep rolling in repeatedly reminding us all to live by faith and not by sight. Just like the music of the ocean its echoes are for all to hear and believe. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Saturday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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