The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary 317

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm, gardens and RetrEat centre on day 27 of our latest lock down. This morning the neighbourhood is cold with the winter freeze but soon we will experience the death of winter and the birth of spring, but also this morning in Ballinwillin we mourn the death and passing of Joe Mulcahy our neighbour, a legend in the music business and a founding member of the famous Maurice Mulcahy Band. A band that gave huge enjoyment to thousands of people worldwide. This morning our prayers are with his family, friends and neighbours. Now destiny calls Joe to a place of music where his trumpet will sound again for all our spiritual enjoyment, where his heart will always remain generous, all heavenly doors will open to his musical light as you now quietly befriend your death and you have no need to fear. You are among your own orchestra in the big band with your pure white suit you are now equal to your destiny and nearer to Earths heart. Rest in peace Joe. Continue to pray, bless and power healing to all who need it and wear your smile.

The Mindful Farmer


diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1366

I feel it is that time to be excessively gentle with myself and the world outside just like the rain as it falls wild and free. It is a reminder to us all to stay clear of those vexed in spirit and to linger only around those only of ease. Here I have all the time in the world and gradually I will return to full fitness and health and absorb the joy and love that surrounds me.

Good morning everyone and welcome to the view from my window of wonder in the Bons Secours hospital in Galway on the 5th day of my new knee. As I look out the window the tall paper barked birch trees are bending almost to breaking point. It is a wet and stormy Tuesday morning and I am very thankful for the shelter and warmth of room 110. I feel it is that time to be excessively gentle with myself and the world outside just like the rain as it falls wild and free. It is a reminder to us all to stay clear of those vexed in spirit and to linger only around those only of ease. Here I have all the time in the world and gradually I will return to full fitness and health and absorb the joy and love that surrounds me. In the meanwhile we must continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Tuesday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1365

I feel the power of taking delight in everything and in life in general it is almost childlike when one takes delight in everything. This feeling, this power is fuelled by people, kind and caring and it is up to us all to be part of this power world and to appreciate it for what it is. Grand Uncle Jack had another great saying "here is my secret and it is very simple. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly what is invisible to the eye."

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to room 110 in the Bons Secours Hospital in Galway on day 4 in the company of my new knee. Apart from the pain which is being well managed I feel I am on retreat with time to think and pray. I feel the power of taking delight in everything and in life in general it is almost childlike when one takes delight in everything. This feeling, this power is fuelled by people, kind and caring and it is up to us all to be part of this power world and to appreciate it for what it is. Grand Uncle Jack had another great saying "here is my secret and it is very simple. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly what is invisible to the eye." Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Monday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1364

When one is confined in a room 24/7 you begin to miss the fresh air, the animals, the bird sounds and it stirs up my appreciation for nature which has formed over the years from boyhood to now and feeling very grateful even in pain in situations like these we can discover summer even winter when we take the time

Good morning everyone and welcome to The Mindful Farmers room on day 3 of my new knee. Everything is going great. The pain is being managed well by the hospital team. The staff are amazing and the food is wonderful so all is very good here. I had some surprise visitors last evening. Elayne Bears back from Abu Dhabi and Miriam. It was great to see them and they brought me some lovely goodies, especially the Abu Dhabi chocolates. They are out of this world and beyond description. I am being exercised a lot and all is going well. When one is confined in a room 24/7 you begin to miss the fresh air, the animals, the bird sounds and it stirs up my appreciation for nature which has formed over the years from boyhood to now and feeling very grateful even in pain in situations like these we can discover summer even winter when we take the time and just as I write this blog a eucharistic minister enters the room with the Body of Christ. The Mindful Farmer is feeling very blessed. Let us all pray on this Sunday for peace and power healing, love and joy to all and wear your Sunday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1363

When someone is nice and kind to us we feel loved, understood and seen. Kindness casts that special evening light that has that unique and magic depth of colour and patience to illuminate what is complex and rich in difference. So, let's make that difference today, be that difference today

Good morning everyone and welcome to day 2 in The Mindful Farmers new knee world. Lots of exercise this morning. Pain is down to about 7 with the aid of lots of painkillers. I had lots to be thankful and cheerful about. Miriam sent me a picture of the arrival of Elayne Bears home for Christmas from Abu Dhabi and she was cuddling the two golden retrievers Marley and the new dog Suzy. It brought a laugh to my heart. Then there were calls from Sheena and John, all in great form and praying for the old man. Now how could anyone be in bad form when there is such love and goodwill coming at me. When someone is nice and kind to us we feel loved, understood and seen. Kindness casts that special evening light that has that unique and magic depth of colour and patience to illuminate what is complex and rich in difference. So, let's make that difference today, be that difference today and continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Saturday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1362

I am going to enter my escape world and absorb the beautiful scenes I have stored in my memory bank. These are the only times we really live. The longer I can remain with these memories the longer I can steal time from inevitable time and stand still to conquer this pain and how about the saying "no pain, no gain".

Good afternoon everyone and welcome to The Mindful Farmers new knee world. I am up exercising and walking with my aid. It is painful, a 10 out of 10 coming in waves like thunder crashing off the Connemara rocky coastline. The exercises are recommended for doing every two hours where possible and yes I am determined and this pain too will pass. Everyone in the hospital is so nice, polite and professional even though I am viewing them through my foggy and painful window of wonder. I am going to enter my escape world and absorb the beautiful scenes I have stored in my memory bank. These are the only times we really live. The longer I can remain with these memories the longer I can steal time from inevitable time and stand still to conquer this pain and how about the saying "no pain, no gain". I am looking forward to the gain and I know it will happen and the clear, free air will soothe and bless my new knee and body and I will continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Friday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1361

It is entirely up to us as individuals how we prepare, manage and love out our days. Each one of us is an artist of our own days. The greater preparation we put into our days the greater our integrity and awareness the more productive and creative our time will become. It remains the dream of every life to realise itself. So, live that dream

The Mindful Farmer is in very different surroundings this morning as I gaze through my window of wonder in the Bons Secours Hospital in Galway. This dawn signals the wonder of the arrival of this day. It is no wonder that we always associate hope and urgency of a new beginning into the dawn. Each day can be a field of brightness with a new and fresh invitation of the new life that is unfolding. No day is ever the same and this day where I will be getting a brand new knee will certainly be very different for me. Often a flickering moment can hold a whole sequence of the future in distilled form. It is entirely up to us as individuals how we prepare, manage and live out our days. Each one of us is an artist of our own days. The greater preparation we put into our days, the greater our integrity and awareness, the more productive and creative our time will become. It remains the dream of every life to realise itself. So, live that dream and continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Thursday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1360

Is this a reminder to us all that we all have a legacy to leave behind us and the measure of it will be how we built it. Beauty is all around us especially on these frosty mornings and all that is eternal in me will welcome the wonder of each day.

Good morning everyone and welcome. Earlier this morning when I entered the work shed I was ambushed by a very large and intricate spider web. It completely covered my face and between coughing and spluttering it took me a while to regain my morning focus. I thought to myself that it was such a pity to destroy such a work of art and had I been more alert I may have been able to avoid it. The web was anchored everywhere, by the door, by the door opening, the garden brush and shovel and the centre still remained despite my entry. Is this a reminder to us all that we all have a legacy to leave behind us and the measure of it will be how we built it. Beauty is all around us especially on these frosty mornings and all that is eternal in me will welcome the wonder of each day. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Wednesday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1359

As I travelled I prayed to all the great people who have since passed and I invited them to travel along with me on my journey and they certainly shortened my journey and good cheer dropped into my heart. I thought of times past and what we had made us who we are now. It is up to us.

Good morning everyone and welcome. Yesterday I had to travel a lot of West Limerick on business and I travelled over many a road I travelled as a child, teenager and young man before leaving the area. Memories came flooding back. Grass roads where we met friends, houses we had tea in, farms we visited to buy pigs and calves. It was almost overwhelming. Some places changed very little, others in disrepair and it is said that overall rural Ireland has less people, less houses, less shops and every creamery in every village closed and collapsed. As I travelled I prayed to all the great people who have since passed and I invited them to travel along with me on my journey and they certainly shortened my journey and good cheer dropped into my heart. I thought of times past and what we had made us who we are now. It is up to us. We have a huge responsibility but we must perform for future generations offering our hands to be held and for us to hold hands as we journey together in the name of God. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Tuesday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1358

We don't have to win or even take part in the race of this week. What we do have to do is to be ourselves and what and who we were created to be. We do have to know what our gift is and we do  have to reach out with joy and love and peace

Good morning everyone and welcome. Always on a Monday and at the beginning of each week we are planning ahead to get the best out of this day and this week but we don't have to be able to do everything. We don't have to know everything. We don't have to be fast and efficient. We don't have to win or even take part in the race of this week. What we do have to do is to be ourselves and what and who we were created to be. We do have to know what our gift is and we do  have to reach out with joy and love and peace and continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Monday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1357

Remembering beauty, beautiful sights, beautiful things has immense healing power such as enjoying these beautiful berries, vibrant and red on the holly tree. We overlook the prickly thorns when we wish to save some for the interior decorations or as we used to do at Christmas in West Limerick, adorn the platter of smoked ham with it. A beautiful memory and behind all these special gifts of nature to us and for us is the creator.

Good morning everyone and welcome to another Sunday at Ballinwillin House Farm, Gardens and RetrEat centre. Jack Frost has really tightened his grip on our weather but these beautiful, cold, crisp, frosty mornings are just wonderful to experience especially as the day breaks from the slumber of night. Remembering beauty, beautiful sights, beautiful things has immense healing power such as enjoying these beautiful berries, vibrant and red on the holly tree. We overlook the prickly thorns when we wish to save some for the interior decorations or as we used to do at Christmas in West Limerick, adorn the platter of smoked ham with it. A beautiful memory and behind all these special gifts of nature to us and for us is the creator. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Sunday best smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1356

No matter how I try to describe this scene I cannot do it justice only to summarize the scene of one that filled my heart and soul with such joy that I will hold in my memory for many a day as the breath of light and colour anointed my eyes with wonder. Such beauty will now sleep within my heart.

Good morning everyone and welcome. Earlier this morning as I travelled from Connemara via the Corrib to get to Claremorris to get our cattle weighing scales repaired I had what I would call a mesmeric experience and had to stop the van several times. The red morning sky played tricks with the lakes as it bounced all over the place, it moved the rusty brown grasses over and back across the vast water plains and then it fell suddenly into a salt like funnel and then off it ran again stopping on occasions to pay homage to the overseeing Moam Turks mountains who seemed frozen by the beauty that was unfolding. No matter how I try to describe this scene I cannot do it justice only to summarize the scene of one that filled my heart and soul with such joy that I will hold in my memory for many a day as the breath of light and colour anointed my eyes with wonder. Such beauty will now sleep within my heart. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Saturday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1355

Hurt will continue to burrow inside until the mental strength and fresh healing might be coaxed and the festering damage of this gaping wound will slowly heal. We must never allow our own sense of ourselves to wilt and we must draw deep from our own dignity and understand there is a time for everything and now is that time to heal in peace

I had a long chat last evening with someone who had been severely hurt by the wrong doing and prolonged mental torture by a group of people. This person was an honest, kind person but different and minded their own business on all affairs but still they struck and the hurt burrowed inside for many years. Hurt will continue to burrow inside until the mental strength and fresh healing might be coaxed and the festering damage of this gaping wound will slowly heal. We must never allow our own sense of ourselves to wilt and we must draw deep from our own dignity and understand there is a time for everything and now is that time to heal in peace knowing that the ultimate protection against sinking during life storms in devoting time to develop our friendship with God. He will rule the justice. Our deeds travel with us far and wide and what we have been makes us who and what we are. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Friday, December 1st smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1354

It is the time of the morning where I can infuse peace to my innermost being and let the light and peace of God sit quietly with me. It may be winter in November but just like the garden I have the flowers of peace blossoming in my heart and soul and my mission for this day is to spray and spread this fragrance to my family, friends and team

Good morning everyone and welcome. I love these frosty, crisp mornings. They are really conducive to great meditation as I sit here in silence and in peace. It is all too early for the world to start stirring. It is the time of the morning where I can infuse peace to my innermost being and let the light and peace of God sit quietly with me. It may be winter in November but just like the garden I have the flowers of peace blossoming in my heart and soul and my mission for this day is to spray and spread this fragrance to my family, friends and team so that it is there for all to benefit even if it is in their subconscious. Have a wonderful and peaceful day and continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Thursday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1353

There is a place in the depth of our being that is protected and saved for ourselves, an inner sacred space guarded by and in God's presence and it is up to each of us to find that space and place. Most of the time we retreat into this place when we are broken or wounded and empty and it is here that we can find sanctuary and our way into the beauty that transforms us into strong, loving, wise and more beautiful people.

We had our first hard frost this week with lovely and beautiful crusted white sprinkles on the grass and trees. Then in the midst of it all a few last brave roses still bloom. They bloom in silence and then in silence they will fade away. It is much the same with ourselves. There is a place in the depth of our  being that is protected and saved for ourselves, an inner sacred space guarded by and in God's presence and it is up to each of us to find that space and place. Most of the time we retreat into this place when we are broken or wounded and empty and it is here that we can find sanctuary and our way into the beauty that transforms us into strong, loving, wise and more beautiful people. There we will find joy that is deserved. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Wednesday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1352

He often said to me while working in the fields "be prepared for unpredictability as not knowing what will happen next can become a source of creativity and always live life to the full, live by faith and not by sight with God guiding us all the way. Thanks Dad for everything, talk soon.

Good morning everyone and welcome. Well, today is always a special day in The Mindful Farmers life and calendar. It is my late Dads birthday. When I think of Dad now I think of a simple, hard working, small farmer from rural West Limerick. He was a man with a serious and exhaustive work ethic, always with a smile and compassion, softly spoken but that didn't tell the whole story. He was behind all that softens a man of steel in his veins and his encouragement to all his siblings, always telling us to behave ourselves, where we came from and that we could do anything with a focused mind and steely work ethic. I pray to Dad every day and sometimes many times during the day for his guidance, encouragement and protection from heaven above. He is now in a place where he can help me even more so than when he was by my side on the farm at home. He often said to me while working in the fields "be prepared for unpredictability as not knowing what will happen next can become a source of creativity and always live life to the full, live by faith and not by sight with God guiding us all the way. Thanks Dad for everything, talk soon. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Tuesday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1351

Then, before he went on his way, holding my right hand and with a piercing look from the white of his eye he said "Patrick, contentment is wealth" and he walked away into the sunset. What a wonderful message and thank you John. Now we have a target to work towards and love our lives in a content, happy and peaceful manner.

Good morning everyone and welcome. Last evening I had a chance meeting with a great friend. We had our usual chat and it wasn't long before we were in deep conversation. Now, this person is a very spiritual, down to earth man who has seen many changes in his life and in life in general. His main message of discussion was about transformation and the powerful force field that is available to us all when we focus our intention towards transformation. Then, before he went on his way, holding my right hand and with a piercing look from the white of his eye he said "Patrick, contentment is wealth" and he walked away into the sunset. What a wonderful message and thank you John. Now we have a target to work towards and love our lives in a content, happy and peaceful manner. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Monday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1350

In these modern times the Sabbath is more important than ever because we live in a society that is all go and we are all in danger of overworking ourselves and our mental health is being challenged every second of our lives. Grand Uncle Jack used to say when the world was closing in on him that "if the soil could have known God's world then the world would never have been created".

Good morning everyone and welcome to another Sunday at Ballinwillin House Farm, Gardens and RetrEat centre. In these modern times the Sabbath is more important than ever because we live in a society that is all go and we are all in danger of overworking ourselves and our mental health is being challenged every second of our lives. Grand Uncle Jack used to say when the world was closing in on him that "if the soil could have known God's world then the world would never have been created". Very deep indeed and on that note and on this lovely, mild, dry November Sunday continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Sunday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1349

I have a great and ultimate belief in prayer and thankfulness so let's see what the Holy water brings. They say the most beautiful thing we can experience is mystery.

Good morning everyone and welcome. The Mindful Farmer is on antibiotics for a chest infection at present and it is not moving. I have been recommended many other solutions but the latest one is to drink half a cup of Holy water going to bed tonight. Well, I will certainly try it and let you know the result. I have a great and ultimate belief in prayer and thankfulness so let's see what the Holy water brings. They say the most  beautiful thing we can experience is mystery. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Saturday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1348

Thankfulness is not some sort of magic formula. It is the language of love, peace and happiness that brings compassion to hearts, clarity to minds, graciousness in our dealings with others and always courageous with the right words.

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm, Gardens and RetrEat centre. Yesterday Americans celebrated Thanksgiving day, a tradition that has built over the years and inspired by Abraham Lincoln. Thanksgiving is something I believe should be celebrated every day and at least once. A thankful attitude opens up the windows of heaven. Thankfulness is not some sort of magic formula. It is the language of love, peace and happiness that brings compassion to hearts, clarity to minds, graciousness in our dealings with others and always courageous with the right words. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Friday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1347

We need to stop expecting the impossible from them, that we can begin to learn the important task of parenting our own children in a way that enables them to grow into maturity and enables us to let them go. When we cling to pain we only end up punishing ourselves.

Good morning everyone and welcome. When we are young we all think that our parents are heroes, when we are teenagers we believe they are so "uncool" and when we reach maturity we learn to free ourselves from our emotional dependency on our parents, that is if we are mature enough. We need to do so to realise our full potential. We need to stop expecting the impossible from them, that we can begin to learn the important task of parenting our own children in a way that enables them to grow into maturity and enables us to let them go. When we cling to pain we only end up punishing ourselves. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your Thursday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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