The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1096

It has been a traumatic few days with the passing of Jack Hedigan, my father in law and Miriams dad. A great man, a great father, a great grandad and a great, great grandad and referred to as “The Boss” by the male members of the family, “Daddy” by the female members and “Grandad Jack” by the great grandchildren. When I refer to him as a great man I don’t say so lightly. He became a great friend as we got to know each other over the past 47 years. In his 105th year, his life crossed many decades, many life experiences, many cultural exchanges from war in our country to a much changed society now and yet he seemed to adapt seamlessly to all of these changes over his long life. He had many interests in life from fishing to golf, wood work, gardening but it was his devotion, love and protection for his wife Maureen and children that really stood out. He was a very healthy man and led an exemplary clean life but when you live into your 105th year the greying and fraying of life will impact on your journey on this avenue. I had the privilege of knowing and working side by side with this man, many chats and laughs and I believe that over the years our mutual love of farming and gardening really bonded us. During his final hours I had the privilege of sitting with him, holding his fragile hands talking to him about his life, where he came from, his beautiful garden that we worked together on. I named out many of his beautiful plants and trees and especially his camellias and rhodoendrons that he really loved and are in full bloom now but my really special moments were when I prayed with him the many prayers I recite myself daily and then I said my goodbye to my friend Jack and asked God to nurse him softly into the arms of Maureen and Carmel and his ancestors into the Carrigeen Gardens of heaven where you will be sheltered and your joyous welcome is assured. In this eternal garden you will find for each one you love a precious locket of jewelled fragrance of happiness and peace to be worn around the deserving hearts that will warm in your presence and protection. Farewell Jack AKA The Boss and forever dwell beside us, now on the other side of what we see. Goodbyes for those you love and admire are never easy but now you will behold us in a way you never could when you lived here on earth. You are now near the source of destiny and where your blessings, protection and guidance are accurate and penetrating offering a divine illumination not available in our physical and visible world. You will now clothe us in weave after weave of blessings as you always had a least two of everything for us all. Happy gardening my great, loyal and trusting friend and now know we are all safer down here. Anyway, I will be talking to you daily as I do to all my loving ancestors. Until the next time, warmest, warmest love, your Mindful Farmer son in law and always embraced son and as you said yourself recently to Miriam and I “that’s my Pat Mulcahy.”

The Mindful Farmer



The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1097


The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1095