The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1035

Good morning everyone and welcome to another beautiful Sunday. Earlier this morning I sat in silence in the garden. I find it very therapeutic and peaceful and I wasn't there too long when I was joined by a host of robins dancing, looking and probing through the fresh soil I had exposed yesterday. Then a beautiful hen pheasant came along soon to be followed by a cock pheasant and then a bunny rabbit appeared first peeping his head out from the bushes and then bounced nearer as his confidence grew, I sat in silence for about twenty minutes saying my morning ritual of pray, thanksgiving and just being me, a quiet, still me and for me this is what I need to be, who I am meant to be, surrounded by all these beautiful creatures. They don't chat, they mind their own business but quite often they stop and gaze in my direction with a wonderful understanding of our shared peace and reminding me that I am not alone yet fully understood. Have a wonderful Sunday.

The Mindful Farmer



The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1036


The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1034