The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 209

Good morning everyone and welcome once more on day 4 of our new lock down. It is a wet and windy morning here this morning and one of the first jobs I did this morning was to set the fire in the kitchen and light it. It brings a presence to the entire home. Then I did a short gratitude meditation to prepare me for the day and the days work ahead. Today is a most important day. It is world mental health day and never more important. Many of you out there are feeling the cloud weight of this pandemic so today why don’t we all band together and do a few of the following in the mirror and just say to yourself “I love you. I am going to be kind to you today and I am going to treat you today to maybe something small like your favourite cup of coffee and a nice meal this evening, healthy food and maybe a glass of wine”. It is important that we look after self and then we are well placed to look after others and always remember your genuine self is already beautiful and you were born with love and hoy and passion. Our freedom of mind lies in accepting ourselves as we are and giving up the need for perfection. Good enough is enough and remember our 10 little words “if it is to be, it is up to me”.

Have a great and wonderful day and don’t forget to send healing and blessings to all you meet today. Pray and wear your beautiful smile.

The Mindful Farmer



The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 210


The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 208