The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1430
Good morning everyone and welcome to a Ballinwillin St. Valentine's Day. Today is a well known day for love, friendship and admiration. This day is named after St. Valentine, a Catholic priest who lived in Rome in the 3rd century. During this era the emperor Claudus II ruled Rome. He was a pagan emperor and he created strict laws preventing his soldiers from marrying but Valentine began to marry the soldiers in secret but was found out and jailed for his crimes. When in jail he cared for many of his fellow prisoners and for his jailor's blind daughter. Before being executed he wrote her a love message signed from your Valentine. He was executed on the 14th February 270. He was a person committed to doing good and his legacy has stood the test of time giving us all an opportunity to free our hearts, a time for letting all intentions and worries stop, a time to free the joy that is inside us all and the wonder of our life awaken and soar free. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope and love to all and wear your St. Valentine's Day smile.
The Mindful Farmer