The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 218

It is Monday morning and the beginning of another week and day 13 of our new lock down. This week will test all of our strengths and especially our mental strength. So for today I am going to go through a Kindness to yourself meditation. Very often, maybe too often, we find ourselves unreasonably not offering kindness to ourselves in a way we do to others but in reality offering kindness to ourselves in an invaluable practice and one we cannot do too often. So why not try the following – sit in a posture you are most comfortable in, alert but relaxed and grounded. Take a few moments to connect with your breath. Go to a place in your body where you feel the breath most strongly and just notice the physical sensations of breathing, remember your breath is your home base and a place to come back to if at any time things get difficult or you lose your way. If you would like to place one hand over your heart and take just a few moments to feel the connection of palm to chest, noticing the sensations of contact, temperature and movement. Now begin repeating the following phrases 1) May I be happy? 2) May I be peaceful? 3) May I be well? Or make up any phrases that best suit you and keep repeating them silently and whatever you notice is simply feedback and acknowledgement of how things are right now. Practice this simple exercise and we will go one step further tomorrow. Continue to pray, bless and send healing to each other and wear your smile.

The Mindful Farmer



The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 219


The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 217