The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 946

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to The Mindful Farmers view and scene from his window of wonder. I am writing this piece in the early hours of a windy and very stormy night in Connemara. It is dark outside, the rain pelts against my ocean facing window. The noisy roof is defending my dry shelter. The peace is beautiful and noisy. The open fire is crackling and bright, keeping me company. I have heard the phrase "constance in the midst of change" but my favourite thoughts tonight are peace in the midst of storm. This is a beautiful experience. I am thankful for my shelter to enjoy this amazing experience. I immediately think about the passion of this ferocious wind carrying before it the fluence of rain as the bright moon looks on in its shadowed sureness. This outward storm leaves me inward warm and then what comes to mind "how likely am I to have emerged to experience this night to the full and to dream with this storm in mind, spirit, light and soul and flashing into my mind are my friends of ancestry who have passed and paved this life for me and are now, this night, clothing me in weave, often weave of blessings''. Our world and our time behave differently when blessings are invoked and they allow us to sleep in our hearts and souls in a way we never suspected. Continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, hope, love and happiness to all who need it and wear your Wednesday smile.

The Mindful Farmer



The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 948


The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 946