The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary 1000

Good morning everyone and welcome. Well, today is a very proud day for The Mindful Farmer. An amazing achievement - 1000 days of thoughts, prayers, hope and above all, great help and support from family, friends and colleagues and it was all inspired by the advent of Covid19, the virus that ravaged families all over our great little country and over the world but somehow we got the strength to stand firm and survive. The power of the heart, that beautiful place where God dwells is our divine sanctuary. A compassionate heart never carries the burden of judgement, a forgiving heart knows the art of liberation and a loving heart awakens that spirit to possibilities of survival and engagement with others. All that went in our lives at Ballinwillin through business, family, health is now in the archives of our memory and they say each of us carry a book of our life inside our hearts and that happened also. Hope in a time of Crisis was published in May by The Mindful Farmer but a book can never contain or register the impact of what happens during a time like these 1000 days but all is registered in the narrative of my heart. A sincere thank you to all who supported us during this time. My prayers will always be with you and now I head to Dublin airport to collect my beautiful daughter in exile Elayne Mary and am looking forward to a happy, peaceful and prayerful Christmas period and I wish you all the very same.

Warmest regards

The Mindful Farmer



The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary 1001


The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary 999