The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 105

Day 105 of lock down and it is the last and final day. I hope and pray it is. Today being Sunday, a holy day and rest day is the perfect way to end lock down. In a mindful, meditative and thankful way that we are emerging. Some of us are emerging unscathed from a family point of view, others have suffered sad and deep loss of loved ones and we pray for you today. Others have lost jobs, lost businesses and many have suffered mental health issues. But now on this Sunday June 28th we must prepare to take our first step into the world. We must believe in the new world. One of the biggest barriers to achieving our true potential is the huge collection of negative beliefs we have built up in our minds over the years and especially during this pandemic. Our beliefs about certain events help us cause how we feel and because most of us are unaware of them we allow them to limit our potential for nearly all our lives. Beliefs can change the way we act, feel and think so from today onwards let us pray that we will change our belief going into the future. It will not change the past but it can change the future. It is never too late to be what you might have been. Continue to pray for the health of our nation. Continue to heal and bless each other and have a lovely peaceful, mindful Sunday and wear that smile.

The Mindful Farmer



The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 106


The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 104