The Mindful Farmer’s Daily Diary - Day 17
Good morning all. Another beautiful morning at Ballinwillin House Farm. I would like at the outset to thank you all for your prayers yesterday and up to now on the 25,000 people in the nursing homes lockdown. I was delighted to hear last evening that the government is going to commit more resources to this worthy cause now, which proves to us all the power of our prayers and prayer comes in many forms, thoughts, actions, good deeds and many more.
All can be in the form of prayer. We must now also have courage as in many homes the light around us lessens and your thoughts are darkening and fear turns cold as stone inside you. We must steady ourselves as a nation and see that it is our own thinking that is darkening the world. We must feel that we are not alone and that this darkness may have some purpose and through our eyes, we will find again the gift of true life, which may have been hidden in the kitchen of our hearts.
Close your eyes now, gather warmth around your heart and this warmth will spark a nourishing flame that will cleanse this darkness that is a festered fear presenting as COVID 19. Nourish your body cells to fight this fear, live in nature, eat with nature and pray and bless in nature.
The Mindful Farmer