The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 40

Good morning to you all and welcome once again to Ballinwillin House Farm. When I think about 40 I can only think this world fasted for 40 days and 40 nights, now we haven’t fasted for 40 days and 40 nights - at least I haven’t anyway. But we have suffered for 40 days and 40 nights. We have isolated , we have been on our own and the very best and honoured citizens of this state have cocooned for 40 days and 40 nights. People who have given their life to Ireland and I refer to the over 70’s people who still have a major role in the wisdom march of our great country. Yesterday I asked you to prepare and make in your minds eye your writing bureau and now we are going to sit down on our beautifully made pine bench and open up the bureau and pull out one of the drawers with your particular problems in it. We are going to read it over, reply to it carefully and mindfully roll it up and before placing it back into its little drawer we are going to breath love, healing and understanding into it and then place it lovingly and carefully back into the drawer and lay it at the feet of Mary and Jesus and tomorrow we will review the situation. Sometimes it may take a few days or weeks but the answer and the healing will always come clearly. Ironically I have been asked by a friend to refer to one of the messages in our Thinking Path that has helped them a lot and it is as follows:- “it is ironic that so often we continue to live like paupers though our inheritance of spirit is so vast”. We must pray reverently that our spirit and the contact and reverance of our ancestrial spirit is honoured and respected and it is very important to remember that regardless of all our differences in religious, language and concept, there is not heart without this inner divine reference.

Another important message for today is Stop Food Waste Day. I believe present circumstances will make us more mindful about food waste and appropriate distribution.

Sorry for being so long today - I had a lot on my mind and even more to share maybe later in the day. Who would ever have thought 40 days of lockdown and isolation - but in spite of it all continue to pray, pray, pray. Bless and heal each other and keep smiling.

The Mindful Farmer



The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 41


The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 39