The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1140

Yesterday The Mindful Farmer was trying to clear out an old shed but I had to abandon my mission. Why? There were nests of swallows in the rafters and they kept flying low over my head and making unwelcome noises. I thought about this for a while and said to myself "Paddy, you will have to wait until they depart and their young are reared." I should have known that they return to our country, the same shed every year after enduring such a continental journey and then build their nest, their home, from grass and mud and this tells me very clearly you can undergo any voyage if your destination is home. Humble or grand, home is where your heart belongs. When home is a place of shelter and love and warmth well then the old saying is true "there is no place like home". Sweet words indeed, so, today, on this last Sunday in April, sit for a while and appreciate your home and all who dqwll there and power blessings and healing  and love to all and wear your Sunday smile.

The Mindful Farmer



The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1141


The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 1139