The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 901

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to The Mindful Farmers thought for this beautiful September day. Last night I was watching The Late Late show and was very moved by Tom Makay singing Mercy, Mercy me. The lyrics were beautiful and the background video was stunning. The theme of the song was to have mercy on nature and Mother nature and what is being done to this beautiful world of ours and as I walked the fields this morning and then into the gardens I was delighted to see the parched grass and plants devour the fresh rain water that it has been waiting on for weeks now. There is no doubt that our climate is changing and we must all play our part in both urban and rural areas and communities. We cannot continue to poison Mother Earth with unthinking materialism and unnecessary consumption and when I walk the fields this morning and as the grasses bend their heads under me as I pass by I hope that after I have passed they will consider me a friend. We must all respect Mother Nature and her beautiful world and her awesome powers and when we do so she will reward us. So today, let us all bless the imagination of Mother Earth and her kindness as it is to be seen in the world around us and this beautiful sublime stillness that nourishes our dream filled hearts. On this beautiful September morning do a little to help and heal our Mother of nature and continue to pray, bless, power healing, peace, love and hope to all who need it and wear your September best smile.

The Mindful Farmer



The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 902


The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 900