The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 202

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on day 97 out of lock down. This morning I am going to chat with you about nourishment. In our world there is nothing, no person, no thing, no thought, no experience, no sadness or joy, nothing too great, nothing too small that cannot be gathered or embraced for the nourishment, the beauty and the good of all. It is a pity that we live our lives without proper nourishment of the mind, body and soul and that we realise, sometimes too late, that we never really learn to be fully present to ourselves and others near and dear to us. We have been too busy to the real beauty around us. We live from the crumbs of life and unaware that no moment, no experience should be lost. So for this weekend be present in the now, be mindful and caring and remember that there is no greater gift that a person can give to themselves than to pray for the health, wellbeing and happiness for everyone in their lives, those they deeply care for and love and those who they meet on a daily basis. Continue to pray for an end to the Corona Virus and continue to send blessings and healing to each other. Be mindful and wear your smile. Have a great day and nourish yourself.

The Mindful Farmer



The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 203


The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 201