The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 156

Good morning everyone and welcome once again to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on day 51 out of lock down. Last night I was sent a Whatsapp video of my grandson JJ humming/screeching to Pavarotti singing in the background and he kept going for the entirety of the song and even when the music had finished. This little fellow and all little ones like him are only blossoming into their creative little hearts and we must encourage them and the message I got from the magic little man was his performance may not have been amazing or dynamic but with him or any child a little encouragement could flicker a wick of creativity that could make all the difference in their life and ours also. Without creativity all the lights will go out so anyone you meet today of any age say a few nice words of encouragement towards them and it will boomerang back to you many fold. What I witnessed from JJ was a spiritual action and all children are capable of doing this where they forget about themselves and move outside of themselves absorbed by spirituality. Continue to encourage, continue to pray, bless and send healing to each other and wear that smile.

The Mindful Farmer



The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 157


The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 155