The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary 317

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm, gardens and RetrEat centre on day 27 of our latest lock down. This morning the neighbourhood is cold with the winter freeze but soon we will experience the death of winter and the birth of spring, but also this morning in Ballinwillin we mourn the death and passing of Joe Mulcahy our neighbour, a legend in the music business and a founding member of the famous Maurice Mulcahy Band. A band that gave huge enjoyment to thousands of people worldwide. This morning our prayers are with his family, friends and neighbours. Now destiny calls Joe to a place of music where his trumpet will sound again for all our spiritual enjoyment, where his heart will always remain generous, all heavenly doors will open to his musical light as you now quietly befriend your death and you have no need to fear. You are among your own orchestra in the big band with your pure white suit you are now equal to your destiny and nearer to Earths heart. Rest in peace Joe. Continue to pray, bless and power healing to all who need it and wear your smile.

The Mindful Farmer


diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 206

Small producers like Ballinwillin all over the country producing wonderful organic and natural foods are going to join hands with Mother Earth and savour her fruits and then distribute these fruits to their local communities and supply them with health food products for the health of their bodies, brain, gut and mental health. That is what we are all going to do together through social media and Neighbour Food markets and our own farm shop online platform.

Welcome once again to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens and welcome to our new lock down, day 1. What can I say? Everything closed down at Ballinwillin again. What are we going to do? Well, I will tell you. Small producers like Ballinwillin all over the country producing wonderful organic and natural foods are going to join hands with Mother Earth and savour her fruits and then distribute these fruits to their local communities and supply them with health food products for the health of their bodies, brain, gut and mental health. That is what we are all going to do together through social media and Neighbour Food markets and our own farm shop online platform. There are many bad things happening all over the world right now and Mother Earth and nature is not happy and is lashing out at us all. We must readjust and follow on from the above mentioned we must sit for a while each day in silence, stillness, meditation and prayer drawing from the limitless spirit within us to lead us into kindness, openness of heart, goodness, wellbeing, generosity and goodwill. Lets bring good news and as we say daily the greatest joy we can bring to ourselves is to send prayer, blessing and healing to each other and all who we meet on a daily basis and wear that smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 205

I believe it is necessary and a perfect time for blessings. In times like this in the confusion, fear and uncertainty we must call upon the invisible structures of our natural and original kindness to come to our assistance and open up pathways of possibility by refreshing and activating in us our invisible potential.

Well, well, well, we are back in lock down on the magical round number of 100? The answer is YES. I speak of Ballinwillin House and gardens, we are now in phase 3 which has us in lock down again. How do we deal with this? My answer is when you live in Cork the glass is always half full. But now that half full glass is smokey dark and difficult to see through, half way between visible and invisible. This is the time for our most creative conflicts and challenges to come alive with this another new beginning. This is why I believe it is necessary and a perfect time for blessings. In times like this in the confusion, fear and uncertainty we must call upon the invisible structures of our natural and original kindness to come to our assistance and open up pathways of possibility by refreshing and activating in us our invisible potential. When we bless each other we work from a place of inner vision, clearer than our hearts and brighter than our minds. Blessing is the art of harvesting the wisdom and spirituality of the invisible world. So when I ask you each day to send blessings to each other, please do so in the belief that it will lead us safely into our new world.

So today, give the joy, give the blessing and healing. We all need its power and it is power.

Wear your smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 204

Anyway, who even said we should get all that we wanted? No God ever said this. Your genuine self is already beautiful. You were born with love, joy and passion. We can all now rewrite our new world script. We can all reclaim our innocence. We can all become that real, whole person we were born to be and never let others evaluate you. We are all too unique and precious to let this happen.

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on day 99 out of lock down. I wonder will we make it to 100 days out of lock down? Stark news from Dr. Tony Holohan today but we will wait and see. It is the beginning of another week and another toe step into our new unknown world. To me it is like being reborn again into a new world so lets see. We are adults and now we know that life is not perfect, we are not perfect but maybe our new freedom lies in the fact that a little imperfection is ok and we need to give up our exhaustive need for perfection. Good enough is enough. Anyway, who even said we should get all that we wanted? No God ever said this. Your genuine self is already beautiful. You were born with love, joy and passion. We can all now rewrite our new world script. We can all reclaim our innocence. We can all become that real, whole person we were born to be and never let others evaluate you. We are all too unique and precious to let this happen. And finally, my big message for the beginning of what I believe will be a testing time for us all, rise above it all and never let others evaluations define us and I now return to what I passionately believe is that the greatest gift we can give to ourselves is to pray for the health, well being and happiness and love for everyone in their life, those who they dearly care for, those they love and those who they meet on a daily basis. Continue with the prayers and continue to send blessings and healing to each other and wear your smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 203

On a morning such as this with the wind howling and the rain pelting down on the roof and we all having a day of rest, it is a great feeling to spend a little time this morning and every morning if you can for only a few minutes to savour some pleasant sensations. The first sip and smell of coffee or a nice green tea, or if the day permits, soak up some suns rays for your vitamin D.

Good morning everyone. The Mindful Farmer Patrick here with you again on a blustery Sunday morning and day 98 out of lock down. On a morning such as this with the wind howling and the rain pelting down on the roof and we all having a day of rest, it is a great feeling to spend a little time this morning and every morning if you can for only a few minutes to savour some pleasant sensations. The first sip and smell of coffee or a nice green tea, or if the day permits, soak up some suns rays for your vitamin D. A hug from someone you love, the sound of laughter, children playing, the smell of a Sunday morning fry – take time out to notice, appreciate and experience these joys. They are simple but real life and no better real life than what is going on around you. “Simplicity”!

So today, rest for a while and remember the greatest gift one can give to themselves is to pray for the health, wellbeing, happiness and love for everyone in their life, those they love dearly, care for, those they love and those who they meet on a daily basis. I would also like to say this morning that during this past 6 months many people have requested me to pray, bless and send healing to friends, family etc who are experiencing various levels of health, both mental and physical and I do so every day and we all have this power to use and send everyone that is in need – so do so.

God bless all, The Mindful Farmer Patrick and wear your smile.

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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 202

This morning I am going to chat with you about nourishment. In our world there is nothing, no person, no thing, no thought, no experience, no sadness or joy, nothing too great, nothing too small that cannot be gathered or embraced for the nourishment, the beauty and the good of all. It is a pity that we live our lives without proper nourishment of the mind, body and soul and that we realise, sometimes too late, that we never really learn to be fully present to ourselves and others near and dear to us.

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on day 97 out of lock down. This morning I am going to chat with you about nourishment. In our world there is nothing, no person, no thing, no thought, no experience, no sadness or joy, nothing too great, nothing too small that cannot be gathered or embraced for the nourishment, the beauty and the good of all. It is a pity that we live our lives without proper nourishment of the mind, body and soul and that we realise, sometimes too late, that we never really learn to be fully present to ourselves and others near and dear to us. We have been too busy to the real beauty around us. We live from the crumbs of life and unaware that no moment, no experience should be lost. So for this weekend be present in the now, be mindful and caring and remember that there is no greater gift that a person can give to themselves than to pray for the health, wellbeing and happiness for everyone in their lives, those they deeply care for and love and those who they meet on a daily basis. Continue to pray for an end to the Corona Virus and continue to send blessings and healing to each other. Be mindful and wear your smile. Have a great day and nourish yourself.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 201

A great friend of mine said to me yesterday “why don’t you smile more?” but I said I am always smiling inwardly and it is not necessary I feel to smile outwardly all of the time. When I began these daily blogs it was to let you all know what was going on around the farm and gardens on a daily basis during Covid19, what is going on with The Mindful Farmer, how he feels about issues and what messages I like to humbly share with you and then you share with me.

Good morning everyone and welcome to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on day 96 out of lock down. You know, it is a great feeling to have survived the past 200 days together as a family, as a group with The Mindful Farmer. We have all played our part through thick and thin and yes there was plenty of both. A great friend of mine said to me yesterday “why don’t you smile more?” but I said I am always smiling inwardly and it is not necessary I feel to smile outwardly all of the time. When I began these daily blogs it was to let you all know what was going on around the farm and gardens on a daily basis during Covid19, what is going on with The Mindful Farmer, how he feels about issues and what messages I like to humbly share with you and then you share with me. It is working beautifully and nit is real life and it demonstrates to us all that each of us has an extraordinary and unique gift and expressing our divinity on earth. We do this when we carry out our daily work with love, care and mindfulness, irrespective if it is our work on the farm, or in the home, cooking or baking, walking or talking or even like last weekend minding our grandchildren. We are all following our time path of peace and justice and helping to bring peace to all around us and helping to make the world a better place and Mother Earth more sustainable so yes, we are in this together. So continue to pray, to bless, and send healing to each other and wear your smile, be it inward or outward, your heart knows best and it will heal all around you. There is no greater gift that a person can give to themselves than to pray for the health, wellbeing and happiness for everyone in their life, those they dearly care for, and those who we may meet in our daily lives.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 200

When I say we are 95 days out of lock down I hope the trend continues but there is a lot of nervousness in Cork today as we fear we will be locked down again. As they say in Connemara “Tá mo chroi bhriste”. My heart is broken and I will tell you why. As a small, organic farming business of 37 years, we were closed for business in the B+B for about 5 months and then we began to crawl out of lock down and re-establish only about 20% of our normal business.

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on day 95 out of lock down. When I say we are 95 days out of lock down I hope the trend continues but there is a lot of nervousness in Cork today as we fear we will be locked down again. As they say in Connemara “Tá mo chroi bhriste”. My heart is broken and I will tell you why. As a small, organic farming business of 37 years, we were closed for business in the B+B for about 5 months and then we began to crawl out of lock down and re-establish only about 20% of our normal business. Then Dublin, who are one of our main outlets, got locked down and now it looks like Cork will be too. This means we will have no business again and yes I am angry. Why? Well I will tell you why - there are sections of our community, our people, behaving irresponsibly and not only putting our lives at risk but also the lives and livelihood of all the people and families who play by the rules, be they school kids, parents, grandparents. All these law abiding citizens need the respect, care and attention in our society from the “irresponsibles”. Another question - what are the state services doing to prevent this behaviour going on in the streets, party houses, sheebeens etc. It is time that we get the protection from the state that we as tax payers pay for. I feel very strongly and upset by all these goings on and I know many of my family, friends and fellow business are appauled at the section of society that are selling us in hell. We need to pray more, that I am sure of. We need to send blessings and healing to all people. Be mindful, be caring and wear that smile no matter what.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 199

We all have to be present and in the now to receive full signal and in doing so we will find ourselves in a peaceful place and we will know that it is not what we do that matters but why and how we do it. We will arrive together at a place where our inner and outer worlds meet, in a garden full of fragrant roses. Smell the roses. Breathe it all in

Good morning everyone and welcome once again to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on the last day of my favourite month September and day 94 out of lock down. Harvest over and I am very grateful for a generous and yielding summer of plenty though not without its stormy challenges but The Mindful Farmer is a very positive person and now looking forward to our Autumn/Winter programme of events, RetrEats, yoga, mindfulness and many more. Check out for more details. What we aim to achieve from this programme is that life’s spirituality is expressed through us presenting the various courses and then all of you out there need to be open to it, all you need to do is seek it out, desire it and pray for it and listen to the melody of unconditional love that will flow through veins being pumped by a joyful and full heart. We all have to be present and in the now to receive full signal and in doing so we will find ourselves in a peaceful place and we will know that it is not what we do that matters but why and how we do it. We will arrive together at a place where our inner and outer worlds meet, in a garden full of fragrant roses. Smell the roses. Breathe it all in and continue with the prayers. Continue to bless and send healing to each other and wear that smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 198

The Mindful Farmer is in great form again this morning. I had a beautiful early morning gratitude meditation and my mind was bent and directed to the beautiful day that I had yesterday and of course it was coloured and tempered by some great people that I met or that was influenced my business with help and kindness. Each and every person I met yesterday or that met my team all helped to make our day, my day, as perfect as you could wish for and I will pray for all of them during the day.

Good morning everyone and welcome once again to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on another beautiful September morning and day 93 out of lock down. The Mindful Farmer is in great form again this morning. I had a beautiful early morning gratitude meditation and my mind was bent and directed to the beautiful day that I had yesterday and of course it was coloured and tempered by some great people that I met or that was influenced my business with help and kindness. Each and every person I met yesterday or that met my team all helped to make our day, my day, as perfect as you could wish for and I will pray for all of them during the day. It is wonderful that people can shower joy towards us in the midst of darkness and struggle and m any times in our so called bust lives moments of joy can be forgotten but we need to rediscover ways to remember things and times of beauty in our lives. Moments of joy that can lie buried within us. So today, lets reopen that treasure chest of wonderful moments in our lives and let the sparkle of September sun shine brightly on us all, setting a happy tone, setting a meditative time. Beauty doesn’t go anywhere we just need to readjust our shades. Continue to pray, bless and send healing to each other and thanks again to all you inspiring and lovely people that made The Mindful Farmer a very happy person yesterday. Wear that smile.

God bless you all.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 197

Today is another beautiful September morning. We are living and experiencing some very difficult time at the moment as Covid19 is striking back and we feel very vulnerable but this morning I feel very strongly that we must trust ourselves and we must all trust the part of ourselves that is most like God. That pure spirit that lives within us all that is divinely planted deeply within our souls and in difficult times like these will protect and gather us together safe and in peace.

Welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on day 92 out of lock down and hopefully we can keep it that way. Many cases in Cork now. Today is another beautiful September morning. We are living and experiencing some very difficult time at the moment as Covid19 is striking back and we feel very vulnerable but this morning I feel very strongly that we must trust ourselves and we must all trust the part of ourselves that is most like God. That pure spirit that lives within us all that is divinely planted deeply within our souls and in difficult times like these will protect and gather us together safe and in peace. We must embrace and mind each other now and live carefully and respectfully and we will come out the other side of this awful time a better and more caring people. The Lord himself only knows how much more of this lesson we need to learn so that we will revert to respecting each other as he would wish because for 2000 years we have been in His sight and right now we need to all pray and heal each other, mind each other and send blessings to each other for an end to this virus. God bless you all from a worried but mindful farmer.

Wear your smile and wash your hands.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 196

Being Sunday, and a day of rest, I will be spending much of the day playing with the adorable grandchildren and then in the evening time I plan to write some programs for our RetrEats and mindfulness and yoga classes beginning October 5th 2020. The response has been brilliant and we look forward to welcoming people back to the RetrEats at Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens.

Another Sunday morning. Another beautiful morning in September. -3 degrees there this morning and walking barefoot on the grass makes you very mindful of what is going on beneath the earths surface. But being Sunday, and a day of rest, I will be spending much of the day playing with the adorable grandchildren and then in the evening time I plan to write some programs for our RetrEats and mindfulness and yoga classes beginning October 5th 2020. The response has been brilliant and we look forward to welcoming people back to the RetrEats at Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens. When I think of retreats I believe the greatest gift we can give to another human being is our full attention and to do this we must be detached and at peace, fully at peace with oneself. At RetrEat we can be truly and fully present in the now and my work is to ensure that those present are in the now in comfort and are being nourished with unconditional advice, attention and love. We all need one anothers presence to move forward together in order to fulfill our full potential and we will do just that in the three gardens of Mindfulness, Meditation and Forgiveness. So for today, join in with me on this beautiful Sunday and we pray together in mind and send blessings and healing to each other and we all wear our special Sunday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 195

Many people live their lives and are unaware of the harmony of the world most of the time and the harmony with nature. All day yesterday, my grandson JJ of one year old, insisted on being outside all day even in the rain. He kept pointing to the deer, the trees, the birds, the dogs and the wild boar until he completely wore me out around 6pm. What fascinates me about this little fellow, and I’m sure many more infants, is their take with nature.

Welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on another September morning and day 90 out of lock down. Many people live their lives and are unaware of the harmony of the world most of the time and the harmony with nature. All day yesterday, my grandson JJ of one year old, insisted on being outside all day even in the rain. He kept pointing to the deer, the trees, the birds, the dogs and the wild boar until he completely wore me out around 6pm. What fascinates me about this little fellow, and I’m sure many more infants, is their take with nature. It is their other mother and I can see it and all nature is connected in a dynamic circle of life and we all have a duty and a responsibility to maintain harmony of the universe for future generations to come. We should all remember that we are part of a much bigger picture and what we do in our little place may have huge effects in nature reserves world wide and we should respect and preserve the harmony of the universe for JJ’s sake and all his fellow following generations. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons and daughters of the earth. Continue to pray, bless and send healing to each other and do something small for Mother Earth today. Be mindful, be careful and wear your beautiful smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 194

Well The Mindful Farmer is extra busy on the farm for the next few days as to my delight our two grandchildren, Ada and JJ, are visiting and they are consumed by goings on in the farm. Baby deer, wild boar, goats, the dogs, Marley and Foley are all being entertained by the two new arrivals. It was wonderful to see the sheer delight in their innocent eyes at the wonder that a farm holds for children who are city reared at present.

Welcome once again to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on another lovely September day and day 89 out of lock down. Well The Mindful Farmer is extra busy on the farm for the next few days as to my delight our two grandchildren, Ada and JJ, are visiting and they are consumed by goings on in the farm. Baby deer, wild boar, goats, the dogs, Marley and Foley are all being entertained by the two new arrivals. It was wonderful to see the sheer delight in their innocent eyes at the wonder that a farm holds for children who are city reared at present. It is beautiful to see their delight on the farm and how their innocence and kindness is blossoming. I feel I can hear the music in their little hearts echoing into their souls for the future. I feel their destiny being sheltered by the nature they are experiencing and praying that this experience will reach and bless these beautiful infants and my wish for them both is that they will never lose sight in their eyes and hearts of what they see here on the farm and when I hold them in my arms I feel the warmth of their little hearts light up the furnace in me as we stroll together in a blaze of nurturing nature. I wish you all a very happy and mindful day and if you are lucky enough to be able to hold someone close to you do so but of course in line with the social rules of Covid19. Continue to pray, bless and send healing to each other and wear your smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 193

Being grateful is a very positive experience and it teaches us how to be grateful for what is positive in our lives. So relax. Find a comfortable position, one of your favourite places to rest where you feel happy and still and close your eyes if you wish to do so. Now, be in the now and focus on your breathing. Take some deep breaths in and out slowly.

Good morning everyone and welcome once again to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on another September morning and day 88 out of lock down. I was thinking this morning as I was doing my early morning meditation that I would share my gratitude meditation with you. This is a short, warm gratitude meditation to warm your heart and mind. Being grateful is a very positive experience and it teaches us how to be grateful for what is positive in our lives. So relax. Find a comfortable position, one of your favourite places to rest where you feel happy and still and close your eyes if you wish to do so. Now, be in the now and focus on your breathing. Take some deep breaths in and out slowly. Now lets reflect on the following:- think of the people in your life that are important to you, people you love and are deeply grateful to. Think of people in your past, people in your life now. Think of one of those people and breathe in a deep sense of gratitude towards this person. Think of moments in your life that are special to you, some key moments. Now focus on one of these special moments and breathe in a deep sense of gratitude for this moment. Now think of the work that you do and have done in your past, works and achievements you are really proud of and grateful for. They may be small or great. Now breathe in a sense of gratitude for this work. There are places in your life that are really important to you and special for you. They have nourished you. They have protected you. They have helped you grow and you have found happiness there and you have found space to recover there. Think of one of these places now and hold this place in mind and in your memory and breathe in a deep sense of gratitude towards this place. We gather many things in our lives so think of one of these things or possessions you have gathered, whatever that might be. Now focus on one of these possessions and breathe in a deep sense of gratitude for this possession. Now focus on a deep sense of gratitude for the gift of this day. For this now. For this moment. Then slowly come back to the now, in your day and peacefully go and let your knowing smile soothe all around you. Continue to pray, bless and send healing to each other and wear your September smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 192

Well, over the years we have seen many beautiful and amazing experiences on the farm and gardens, from a young deer calf being born to a mother goat giving birth to 3 kids and baby wild boar dancing around the fields to a pheasant resting on the antlers of a red deer stag while he slept and many more but today it was something very different. A beautiful white dove waiting in the yard for us this morning and welcoming us as she held her beautiful, silken head sideways and almost telling us “well it’s time you showed up”.

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on this beautiful September morning and day 87 out of lock down. Well, over the years we have seen many beautiful and amazing experiences on the farm and gardens, from a young deer calf being born to a mother goat giving birth to 3 kids and baby wild boar dancing around the fields to a pheasant resting on the antlers of a red deer stag while he slept and many more but today it was something very different. A beautiful white dove waiting in the yard for us this morning and welcoming us as she held her beautiful, silken head sideways and almost telling us “well it’s time you showed up”. The experience of a dove is very rare and in all my years I haven’t seen such a sight. It symbolises grace, beauty and peace and here she has to be addressing Elaine and Aoife. It also symbolises innocence and femininity but most importantly seeing a dove means you must help others in whatever way you can and always use love and peace in all your interactions. On earth they are intimately aware of their environment and demonstrate a highly developed sense of presence. They are regarded as spiritual messengers and import an inner peace that helps us go about our lives with peace, calm and purpose. What a wonderful example for us all to follow and practise. Let us all embrace the message our Ballinwillin dove has sent to us and pray, bless and heal each other and wear your beautiful smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 191

All of September really on the farm is a build up to the end of a years hard work and culminating in the finish of the harvest and tidying up. It was a much bigger occasion when I was growing up in West Limerick. It was a huge tradition in every house and parish to have a big celebration at the end of September and I always try to re-enact the tradition on the farm and gardens at Ballinwillin.

Welcome everyone to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on this beautiful Tuesday morning in September and day 86 out of lock down. All of September really on the farm is a build up to the end of a years hard work and culminating in the finish of the harvest and tidying up. It was a much bigger occasion when I was growing up in West Limerick. It was a huge tradition in every house and parish to have a big celebration at the end of September and I always try to re-enact the tradition on the farm and gardens at Ballinwillin. All people, all communities everywhere have celebrations of various types at this time of year, but what always stood out in my memory as a child about these celebrations was their inclusivity - nobody was excluded and we celebrated not so much the events but each other and a warmth deep down in our hearts for each other. All differences to one side. Friendship should be a deep root in all our hearts. It is like this wild pink rose you now see in the wilderness, welcoming and warm. So my thought for you all out there today is build up and gather for your harvest and continue to pray, bless and send healing to each other. Be in the now. Be mindful and wear your September smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 190

Some people tell me that they find it difficult to start into another week especially during these Covid times and I always say how I feel about a new week, a new start. I feel it is our legacy, our gift. I have been blessed to have been born with a great work ethic

Another Monday morning, a new start again to another week on a beautiful September morning and day 85 out of lock down. Some people tell me that they find it difficult to start into another week especially during these Covid times and I always say how I feel about a new week, a new start. I feel it is our legacy, our gift. I have been blessed to have been born with a great work ethic and led by the example of my wonderful parents who joyed in working hard and then encouraging us to nurture our gifts and not because we had to but because we were free to and being also blessed with the gift of life so that I can live, work and heal people in a way that embraces my strengths and freedom and the greatest gift you can give to your family, friends and work colleagues is your positive emotional state and to always be fully alive.

So live today and this week and every week from now and be fully alive. Continue to pray, bless and send healing to each other.

The Mindful Farmer             


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 189

Well The Mindful Farmer did such a thing this morning. I went for a beautiful, meditative walk along the seashore over rocks and walls and admiring all the beauty around me until I came to a very special rock formation and I immediately called it my gaze, my gaze where all I roam and looked through this window of sheer beauty and magic. When I look through this magic window do I see part of myself outside?

Good morning everyone and welcome to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on this very beautiful and sunny Sunday September morning and day 89 out of lock down. Another day for us all to take some time out, rest, go for a mindful walk or do something that relaxes you. Well The Mindful Farmer did such a thing this morning. I went for a beautiful, meditative walk along the seashore over rocks and walls and admiring all the beauty around me until I came to a very special rock formation and I immediately called it my gaze, my gaze where all I roam and looked through this window of sheer beauty and magic. When I look through this magic window do I see part of myself outside? Do I understand it myself? Can I embrace it and turn it into the gift that it is? Yes I can today and because the immediate rock fall all around is grey it reminds me quickly that nothing in the world is black or white but everything like this landscape is made up of grey. I embraced that thought for a while and then as I angled my vision in a different direction through this narrow magic window I see a beautiful tuft of golden and crimson little flowers waving at me and fluttering, and beautiful, and letting me know noddingly that if we can survive here on this rocky out crop we can all survive in our grey, rocky world if we pray, bless and send healing to each other. Wear your Sunday September smile and have a beautiful, mindful and peaceful day.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 188

It was great to be alone in the garden this morning at dawn as the day was beginning to express its light through a veil of fog and parting darkness. It was as if the new day was emerging with shyness and reminding me that the nature I am enjoying and experiencing here at Ballinwillin House and in the farm is the highest truth from Mother Earth, Mother Nature.

Good morning everyone and welcome to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on another amazingly beautiful September morning and day 83 out of lock down. It was great to be alone in the garden this morning at dawn as the day was beginning to express its light through a veil of fog and parting darkness. It was as if the new day was emerging with shyness and reminding me that the nature I am enjoying and experiencing here at Ballinwillin House and in the farm is the highest truth from Mother Earth, Mother Nature. This morning it is silent, pure and full of glory, mystery and peaceful joy and I feel it is entering deeply as I awaken to the new day reminding me that whatever the present moment and this new dawn holds, accept it as if I had chosen it specifically for me, my family and friends and that I have a duty to live and work by it. It is our duty to live this day as the gift that it is and be mindful, helpful, live in the now. Continue to pray for all especially for those coping with Covid19. Continue to bless and send healing to each other and wear your sunny September smile. It takes very little to make someone happy.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 187

What would our world be like if the animals in this world were as competitive as the humans? Our deer, wild boar and goats would kill each other to get the best and choice grass and herbage birds would destroy each others nests, bees would kill each other to get nectar and the more honey they made the more honour they would receive.

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens on another beautiful September morning on day 82 out of lock down. When working the fields this morning after a beautiful gratitude meditation the following thoughts came into my mind:- what would our world be like if the animals in this world were as competitive as the humans? Our deer, wild boar and goats would kill each other to get the best and choice grass and herbage birds would destroy each others nests, bees would kill each other to get nectar and the more honey they made the more honour they would receive. Yes of course animals and birds compete but they compete to survive. They don’t compete to compete, they don’t survive to compete they just live their lives each day without the need to win or loose. Wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if we could live our lives by sharing rather than competing and if we didn’t have to constantly measure our success by the failures of others and by doing so go our own roads at our own pace and and choose what is mindfully right for us. What use are mirrors in the city of the blind? Continue with the prayers, continue to send blessings and healing to each other. Be mindful. Be caring. Be in the now and wear your September smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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