The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary 317

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm, gardens and RetrEat centre on day 27 of our latest lock down. This morning the neighbourhood is cold with the winter freeze but soon we will experience the death of winter and the birth of spring, but also this morning in Ballinwillin we mourn the death and passing of Joe Mulcahy our neighbour, a legend in the music business and a founding member of the famous Maurice Mulcahy Band. A band that gave huge enjoyment to thousands of people worldwide. This morning our prayers are with his family, friends and neighbours. Now destiny calls Joe to a place of music where his trumpet will sound again for all our spiritual enjoyment, where his heart will always remain generous, all heavenly doors will open to his musical light as you now quietly befriend your death and you have no need to fear. You are among your own orchestra in the big band with your pure white suit you are now equal to your destiny and nearer to Earths heart. Rest in peace Joe. Continue to pray, bless and power healing to all who need it and wear your smile.

The Mindful Farmer


diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 226

As a farmer who farms wild animals what I have noticed is that each morning they are always alert to a new scent in the air. The deer, the wild boar and even the goats always have their noses held high to pick up any difference that might put them in danger an they explore the world through their scent and their alertness.

Welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm, gardens and RetrEat center on day 6 of our new lock down. As a farmer who farms wild animals what I have noticed is that each morning they are always alert to a new scent in the air. The deer, the wild boar and even the goats always have their noses held high to pick up any difference that might put them in danger an they explore the world through their scent and their alertness. Do we walk around with our noses held high and for what reason? No good reasons like my animals. But what we can do is and how we can make the world immeasurably richer is to stop deciding our version of any experience is “the only one” and learn to appreciate the value of different points of view. That is my little message to you on this lovely crisp morning on the farm and looking forward to a productive, mindful day. Continue to pray, continue to send healing and blessings to each other and wear your beautiful smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 225

We can all feel a sense of connection with the world and the people around us even when we are down, suffering from illness and having difficulties of any kind. We need to focus on the ordinary activities of our daily lives, activities that we do repeatedly each day, walking, talking, cooking, our work.

Welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm, gardens and RetrEat center on day 5 of our new lock down. It is Monday and the start of yet another week and another week of well being with a sense of contentment, peacefulness, mindfulness and a connection with place and people. We can all feel a sense of connection with the world and the people around us even when we are down, suffering from illness and having difficulties of any kind. We need to focus on the ordinary activities of our daily lives, activities that we do repeatedly each day, walking, talking, cooking, our work. Oftentimes we are on automatic pilot and don’t remember the past few minutes. In this way we lose the moments that make up our life and once lost they are gone forever. However, when we pay attention to these regular activities we can reclaim the lost minutes of our day and we can connect more deeply with our life. We can also reconnect with the world around us by noticing the sky, the earth below our feet and the people around us. When we look beyond ourselves we can gain a wider perspective on our on our own life and our place on this planet, our place within the heart and soul of Mother Earth. Have a great, peaceful and mindful day and week and continue to pray, bless and heal each other and wear your smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 224

It is Sunday again and welcome to a beautiful day of rest and if you are doing some rest today, take a little time out to pause, rest and give thanks and observe nature and all around you.

Welcome everyone once more to Ballinwillin House Farm, gardens and RetrEat center. It is Sunday again and welcome to a beautiful day of rest and if you are doing some rest today, take a little time out to pause, rest and give thanks and observe nature and all around you. Yesterday I had a beautiful conversation with a very old friend and a very dear friend going back over 40 years and she spoke of unconditional love from her beautiful and open heart and as always it gave warmth and light to my heart. We all know there is no strings attached to unconditional love. When people love us for ourselves only we feel blessed, special and chosen and then in turn our own spirit becomes truly rich and generous and we come to learn that we can only keep what we give away and that everything that we send out comes back to us. When we practice this way of life it will protect us. It will always give us hope and it always perseveres. That is my Sunday message for you all today. Go out and get some fresh air, live for a while in nature. Continue to pray, bless and send healing to each other and wear your Sunday smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 223

It is a stormy, wet morning here this morning so I must don the rain gear and head to the fields but we are farmers and we do what we have to do. I feel this is my time and your time, all my followers, to do the small things in life, not the big, great things and to do them with courage and responsibility.

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm, gardens and RetrEat centre on day 3 of our new lock down. It is a stormy, wet morning here this morning so I must don the rain gear and head to the fields but we are farmers and we do what we have to do. I feel this is my time and your time, all my followers, to do the small things in life, not the big, great things and to do them with courage and responsibility. To do the small acts with unconditional love especially for this period of time. Nobody else can do it for me, only me. We can all follow this example and start doing it today, better than you have been doing it as every new dawning brings a new chance and is full of new possibilities to be happy and joyous, peaceful and more mindful. Live in the now and bring all you meet today with you and with joy and happiness we all know that the flower blooms for the fruit. Have a great and beautiful day and don’t forget to pray and send blessings and healing to each other and wear your beautiful smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 222

What I am going to talk to you about today is “man in the field”. This was prompted by a lovely TV documentary on TG4 recently and they were saying that back in the 50s and 60s in rural Ireland no matter what time of the day you would always see a man, woman or people in the fields but not so much anymore.

Good morning to everyone out there and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm, gardens and RetrEat centre on day 2 of our new lock down. It is a lovely morning here and everyone is in a very positive mood here. Well, did you do your 3 minutes this morning before your day began? Great! It will help you greatly during your day. What I am going to talk to you about today is “man in the field”. This was prompted by a lovely TV documentary on TG4 recently and they were saying that back in the 50s and 60s in rural Ireland no matter what time of the day you would always see a man, woman or people in the fields but not so much anymore. You will nearly always see a man in the fields in Ballinwillin House Farm and I spend as much time as possible in the fields with nature and the animals. But around the country the farmers are in their fields also but farming methods have changed and become very mechanised. But it is up to all of us to be in the fields or in nature as much as possible and soaking up the magnetic forces of Mother Earth. So today, irrespective of your gender, be the man in the fields, be mindful, be positive and pray, bless and send healing to all and wear your lovely smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 221

It is a beautiful, crisp morning out there and the multi coloured leaves are falling to carpet the land like a multi coloured bed spread. The colours on the trees are amazing reds, purple, yellow, green, crimson and many more and it is very energizing to see and capture this beauty.

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm, gardens and RetrEat centre on the first day of another new lock down. Well, how are you all feeling out there today? Can I tell you how I am feeling today? It is a beautiful, crisp morning out there and the multi coloured leaves are falling to carpet the land like a multi coloured bed spread. The colours on the trees are amazing reds, purple, yellow, green, crimson and many more and it is very energizing to see and capture this beauty. Every thought we think has an energy pulse that resonates so when you think positive things you can attract more positive things into your life. We are surrounded by a field of energy and that responds to our inner would. Life is not happening to us it is responding to us so that is why it is so important to think positive, always and especially for the next 42 days. What I want you all to do during each morning is to rest yourself for the first 3 minutes at the start of your day sitting at bedside or kneeling or wherever you are comfortable. These are the most crucial minutes just after waking to start your positive day and tell yourself “I am going to have a great day” and you will and then from there send the same message to all those around you and who you meet. Continue to pray, bless and send healing to all and wear your smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 220

The Mindful Farmer Patrick here with you again and when I say here with you, this is a time for us all to be together in friendship, comradery and helping each other in unity. If we do this over the next 6 weeks it will lead to great success and happiness

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 220

Wednesday 21st October 2020

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm, gardens and RetrEat centre on day 15 of our new lock down. The Mindful Farmer Patrick here with you again and when I say here with you, this is a time for us all to be together in friendship, comradery and helping each other in unity. If we do this over the next 6 weeks it will lead to great success and happiness and we will be living in the now of happiness, living one minute, one hour, one day at a time, anchoring our breathing when we get stressed or troubled. When we help each other we will create a wonderful friendship that will result in happiness which is of course the by-product of pursuing some extraordinary purpose. Now we certainly have purpose and that is our now opportunity to contribute to the lives of other people in a mindful, peaceful and joyful manner. But as well as helping others the most important “primary” relationship is with yourself. Continue to pray, bless and send healing to each other and wear your beautiful smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 219

Today, for a little while, I would like to do a “circle of kindness” meditation. Offering loving kindness to someone or those we care about can be done anywhere, anytime and is very fulfilling as well as being very beneficial to others.

Good morning. It is 14 days into our new lock down today and more severe phase 5 coming down the tracks. Well 2020 is certainly having a right old go at testing our mental strength with Covid19, storms and now more storms again but what can we do? All I can tell you is what I am doing and I will let you all make up your minds about your situation but on a daily basis I will continue to pray, bless and send healing to all that I can and each day I will send you out there a little message also as well as keeping you updated on goings on around the farm. Today, for a little while, I would like to do a “circle of kindness” meditation. Offering loving kindness to someone or those we care about can be done anywhere, anytime and is very fulfilling as well as being very beneficial to others. So for a little time now get comfortable and take a little time to focus on the breath. Bring into your mind someone you really care about, it may be a parent, a partner, a sibling, a child or a friend or even a pet or in my situation all my animals. Think of this person or animal now and hold them in your minds eye, offering them love and good wishes by silently repeating 1) May you be well 2) May you be happy 3) May you be free from suffering, or any phrases you like yourself. Then repeat these phrases slowly and let it resonate. Now imagine yourself holding hands with the person with you in the circle of kindness and repeat silently 1) May you be well 2) May you be happy 3) May you be free from suffering and as you continue with this practice and give it more time you can add as many people as you wish and you care for. Continue with the kindness, continue with the prayer and continue smiling.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 218

Today I am going to go through a Kindness to yourself meditation. Very often, maybe too often, we find ourselves unreasonably not offering kindness to ourselves in a way we do to others but in reality offering kindness to ourselves in an invaluable practice and one we cannot do too often.

It is Monday morning and the beginning of another week and day 13 of our new lock down. This week will test all of our strengths and especially our mental strength. So for today I am going to go through a Kindness to yourself meditation. Very often, maybe too often, we find ourselves unreasonably not offering kindness to ourselves in a way we do to others but in reality offering kindness to ourselves in an invaluable practice and one we cannot do too often. So why not try the following – sit in a posture you are most comfortable in, alert but relaxed and grounded. Take a few moments to connect with your breath. Go to a place in your body where you feel the breath most strongly and just notice the physical sensations of breathing, remember your breath is your home base and a place to come back to if at any time things get difficult or you lose your way. If you would like to place one hand over your heart and take just a few moments to feel the connection of palm to chest, noticing the sensations of contact, temperature and movement. Now begin repeating the following phrases 1) May I be happy? 2) May I be peaceful? 3) May I be well? Or make up any phrases that best suit you and keep repeating them silently and whatever you notice is simply feedback and acknowledgement of how things are right now. Practice this simple exercise and we will go one step further tomorrow. Continue to pray, bless and send healing to each other and wear your smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 217

Last evening I took a little time out to visit one of my favourite meditative landscapes by the Atlantic ocean and as I worked my way through narrow bumpy roads flanked by pale white and grey limestone I finally reached the end of the road, no further to run only straight on to the wild Atlantic. What was the welcoming party? Well at first it was the 3 grey and majestic Connemara ponies and then further on at the lands end, basking in a cook pool of calm, sheltered ocean were two beautifully white swans circling around like two ballerinas occasionally lifting and flopping their wings to welcome me and welcome me into their territory , doing their dance for me.

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm, gardens and RetrEat centre on yet another beautiful Sunday morning and day 12 into our new lock down. Last evening I took a little time out to visit one of my favourite meditative landscapes by the Atlantic ocean and as I worked my way through narrow bumpy roads flanked by pale white and grey limestone I finally reached the end of the road, no further to run only straight on to the wild Atlantic. What was the welcoming party? Well at first it was the 3 grey and majestic Connemara ponies and then further on at the lands end, basking in a cook pool of calm, sheltered ocean were two beautifully white swans circling around like two ballerinas occasionally lifting and flopping their wings to welcome me and welcome me into their territory , doing their dance for me. I could not but be taken by how much they embraced their place, their place of belonging. What occurred to me was in this beautiful, peaceful paradise we can all at various times in our lives have all the world has to offer in terms of status, achievements, possessions, yet without our true sense of belonging like my 2 swans, our lives can feel empty and pointless and here like the ocean returns each time to share a sense of belonging liberated me and empowered me to trust fully the rhythm of nature. I am sure we all have our favourite place, so go there. It will help shelter you from the loneliness of this pandemic during this time. It became very clear to me during this visit that we all carry a unique world within our hearts and that we are so special and should remind ourselves each morning that we are so special and unique and it will empower us to be at peace within our hearts and soul and be the beauty like my two majestic swans that we were born to be. We all have a chance. You can look outside yourself to feel cherished or you can cherish yourself. So today on this beautiful Sunday go somewhere you feel that you belong most, dream a while, pray a while and send blessings and healing to all you know and encounter and wear your smile. It will warm your heart and the hearts of others.

God bless you all from a very peaceful Mindful Farmer.


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 216

Another beautiful morning here this morning and during meditation this morning my mind roved towards what I have here at Ballinwillin House and how I should appreciate it more and more. Often what is beautiful and at our feet and always around us we tend not to notice or appreciate enough. What did I see this morning on the farm? To start with, the dew laden grass, the different shapes in the sky, the garden leaves beginning to carpet the grass.

Welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm, gardens and RetrEat centre on day 11 into our new lock down. Another beautiful morning here this morning and during meditation this morning my mind roved towards what I have here at Ballinwillin House and how I should appreciate it more and more. Often what is beautiful and at our feet and always around us we tend not to notice or appreciate enough. What did I see this morning on the farm? To start with, the dew laden grass, the different shapes in the sky, the garden leaves beginning to carpet the grass. Everywhere seemed to be speaking to me, the crisp morning air, the changing morning light, it all seemed like it was all created especially for me and a new window into another dimension of life was opened to me and it seemed that this experience would last forever, but it didn’t. It is now changing again and again just giving me a glimpse of the divine energy and presence of God. While this pandemic lasts I urge you all to live as much as you can outside and in nature and in the now. If we lack the desire to live outside we will lack the beauty in our lives and we will suffer similar disturbances in our soul. Continue to pray, bless and send healing to each other. Be careful. Be mindful and be who you are meant to be and wear your smile - it will warm your heart and the heart of others.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 215

Last night, and most nights during Autumn, Winter and Spring we always have a blazing warm fire in the living room and I always say it is another personality in the room and I always like to praise the presence of fire. For centuries we have sat around the heart of the fireplace. We have dreamed into it. We have watched the flames spurt forth light reminding us that our flame also burns from within and it is from within we all find our own home, our own happiness that helps us breathe a new urgency into our life.

Welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm, gardens and RetrEat centre on another beautiful morning here and day 10 into our new lock down. It is as if the light and the beauty of the weather is nursing and nourishing us forward into positivity and warmth. Last night, and most nights during Autumn, Winter and Spring we always have a blazing warm fire in the living room and I always say it is another personality in the room and I always like to praise the presence of fire. For centuries we have sat around the heart of the fireplace. We have dreamed into it. We have watched the flames spurt forth light reminding us that our flame also burns from within and it is from within we all find our own home, our own happiness that helps us breathe a new urgency into our life. It is a very short time from spark to flame and this time will pass too, this time of suffering that we are enduring now but breathe in the embers of this pandemic. We will rediscover our drive, our ambitions, our passion. We will find the courage to cause our wonderful lives to flow again and the flame of who we are meant to be will glow ever brightly. If you will, have a fire tonight or if not light a candle and dream into it for a brighter and glowing future. Continue to pray, and send blessings and healings to each other and wear your sunny smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 214

It is another beautiful day here at Ballinwillin House Farm and it looks like we are looking into more severe restrictions on day 9 of our new lock down. We had some very dark news again last night. More restrictions to our movements and business. It is very difficult for people of the nation to cope with and similarly here on the farm. Sales start to stop, the B+B will close again and the RetrEats we so badly need are all cancelled.

It is another beautiful day here at Ballinwillin House Farm and it looks like we are looking into more severe restrictions on day 9 of our new lock down. We had some very dark news again last night. More restrictions to our movements and business. It is very difficult for people of the nation to cope with and similarly here on the farm. Sales start to stop, the B+B will close again and the RetrEats we so badly need are all cancelled. How I manage to deal with this crazy pandemic world is by prayer and meditation and sending healing to all who need it. Up to March 2020 we were all used to a free life and always needing to be in control but now we see who is in control. But now is the time to be strong, in a quiet, gentle and sensitive way and we must trust God to take control. What other way is there? Mother Nature is deeply wounded. Many of us have a blind hardness when aspects of our life is threatened but it is the gift of prayer that softens and nourishes our hardened and fearful hearts. Now as I write my blog, I know and believe God will rescue us but we need to learn our lesson and pray daily and send blessing and healings to each other and support each other. Be careful. Be mindful and smile with softness and knowing.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 213

It is another beautiful, mild morning here this morning. The silence is beautiful only to be broken intermittently by the rutting stag telling us it is his time and that’s for sure. It is amazing how natures clock works for all animals and I believe it is fantastic how you cannot control them – just leave it be.

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm, gardens and RetrEat centre on day 8 of our new lock down. It is another beautiful, mild morning here this morning. The silence is beautiful only to be broken intermittently by the rutting stag telling us it is his time and that’s for sure. It is amazing how natures clock works for all animals and I believe it is fantastic how you cannot control them – just leave it be. They are happy and happiness only comes to us in the present moment. If you are happy now then there is nothing else to accomplish and if you dare wonder if you will be happy tomorrow or in the next five minutes from now you will lose the now and forget to be happy now. All our planning, scheming and dreaming takes away from the now and your present happiness. So for today, focus on the now happiness and be still. Be who you are meant to be and don’t forget to pray and send healing and blessings to each other and wear your smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 212

It is a truly beautiful day here on the farm and during meditation earlier when I was sitting still and resting I thought how beautiful it is being alone with oneself hand here on the edge of the gardens I can certainly say I am living joyfully and at peace and I sense the birds and the animals sense this also.

Good afternoon everyone and welcome to Ballinwillin House Farm on day 7 of our new lock down. It is a truly beautiful day here on the farm and during meditation earlier when I was sitting still and resting I thought how beautiful it is being alone with oneself hand here on the edge of the gardens I can certainly say I am living joyfully and at peace and I sense the birds and the animals sense this also. There is great relaxation and happiness in not wanting, in not being something or someone and in not going somewhere. When I sit in silence here and gaze at the beautiful flowers and trees and the coloured leaves falling back to Mother Earth or the clouds moving slowly across a tumbled sky. In there moments I am released from the dependence on the future and I have no longings to be other than where I am and who I am meant to be. So why not try to do likewise today? I assure you it is very nourishing for your mind and body. Continue to pray, bless and send healing to each other and be mindful and careful and above all else, smile on the world.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 211

Last evening, I don’t know if you were watching or not, Joe Duffy spoke with Katherine Coreless on TV about the meaning of life and the contents of this great and brave womans account into uncovering this scandal were frightening. It is difficult to believe that my age group growing up in the 50’s and 60’s lived in a parallel universe to all these happenings. It was with us in every parish, the clergy, the nuns, the Gardai and even the teachers may have been involved. I must state that we were very fortunate in West Limerick in that the clergy we had when I was growing up were great, upstanding men

Good morning everyone and welcome once more on this beautiful sunny morning and day 6 of our new lock down. Now, it is another Monday so gather up your energy and positivity for another week ahead. Last evening, I don’t know if you were watching or not, Joe Duffy spoke with Catherine Coreless on TV about the meaning of life and the contents of this great and brave womans account into uncovering this scandal were frightening. It is difficult to believe that my age group growing up in the 50’s and 60’s lived in a parallel universe to all these happenings. It was with us in every parish, the clergy, the nuns, the Gardai and even the teachers may have been involved. I must state that we were very fortunate in West Limerick in that the clergy we had when I was growing up were great, upstanding men outwardly in any case, but recently I have heard stories about women being taken away in the middle of the night and also young men being packed off to faraway armies. Little did we know as we knelt down each night to pray the rosary at our sugán chairs on the limestone flags what suffering was going on around us, suffering to our women. Many young and beautiful and their pathway to life completely cut off. Much is said to the priests and nuns and Gardai and so on but did anyone ask where were the men and who were they that fathered these children? It will take a lot of forgiveness and prayer and cleansing to make up for the dumping of these infant babies into a cold and wet pit. It is now the nations duty to recognise all these babies and for us all to pray for their spiritual forgiveness so they can join us all in our spiritual and every day goings on and our surrounds. I don’t want to start the week on a sad note but I feel so strongly about this matter I felt I should bring it to your attention and for you to pray and bless and send much needed healing to all involved and wear your smile today and a tribute to all involved and please keep them in your prayers and have a very caring and mindful day.

The Mindful Farmer


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Patrick Mulcahy Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 210

Today I want to say a few words about friendship and why? Because I have some wonderful friends and again during this tough week gone by, many of them came up trumps again offering all kinds of help and I really believe I am blessed with good friends so we must learn to be a good friend also and I believe I am but could be better.

Good afternoon everyone and welcome. Today is Sunday and day 5 of our new lock down. Another Sunday and another day of rest, praise and thanksgiving after our farming duties are complete. Today I want to say a few words about friendship and why? Because I have some wonderful friends and again during this tough week gone by, many of them came up trumps again offering all kinds of help and I really believe I am blessed with good friends so we must learn to be a good friend also and I believe I am but could be better. We must treasure our friends. We must be there for them and be kind and helpful to them always and offer them true light in all their challenges and never leave them isolated and in our kind and special way help them embrace their soul and remember the greatest gift we can give to ourselves and our friends is to pray for their health, well being and happiness and love. So on this restful Sunday be mindful and send healing and blessings to all around you and wear that smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 209

Today is a most important day. It is world mental health day and never more important. Many of you out there are feeling the cloud weight of this pandemic so today why don’t we all band together and do a few of the following in the mirror and just say to yourself “I love you. I am going to be kind to you today and I am going to treat you today to maybe something small like your favourite cup of coffee and a nice meal this evening, healthy food and maybe a glass of wine”.

Good morning everyone and welcome once more on day 4 of our new lock down. It is a wet and windy morning here this morning and one of the first jobs I did this morning was to set the fire in the kitchen and light it. It brings a presence to the entire home. Then I did a short gratitude meditation to prepare me for the day and the days work ahead. Today is a most important day. It is world mental health day and never more important. Many of you out there are feeling the cloud weight of this pandemic so today why don’t we all band together and do a few of the following in the mirror and just say to yourself “I love you. I am going to be kind to you today and I am going to treat you today to maybe something small like your favourite cup of coffee and a nice meal this evening, healthy food and maybe a glass of wine”. It is important that we look after self and then we are well placed to look after others and always remember your genuine self is already beautiful and you were born with love and hoy and passion. Our freedom of mind lies in accepting ourselves as we are and giving up the need for perfection. Good enough is enough and remember our 10 little words “if it is to be, it is up to me”.

Have a great and wonderful day and don’t forget to send healing and blessings to all you meet today. Pray and wear your beautiful smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 208

I had a beautiful early morning meditation this morning and I was just thinking how lucky I am to have this place as my real home, my true home and it also reminded me that our true homes are in the present moment, “the now”.

Good morning everyone and welcome once more to Ballinwillin House Farm, gardens and RetrEat centre on day 3 into our new lock down. I had a beautiful early morning meditation this morning and I was just thinking how lucky I am to have this place as my real home, my true home and it also reminded me that our true homes are in the present moment, “the now”. To live in the present moment is a miracle. The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on our beautiful green Earth of Mother Earth and in the present moment to appreciate the peace and beauty that are available here and now. So for today visit your “true home” and give joy and happiness to all around you. Continue to [ray and send blessings and healing to all and wear your smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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diary Patrick Mulcahy diary Patrick Mulcahy

The Mindful Farmers Daily Diary Day 207

My message to you this morning is to stop the noise. I mean all the wall to wall media reports, nothing but Covid. It is poisoning minds and damaging our mental health. It is time to switch down and switch off and switch off the sound and spend time in silence, stillness, meditation and prayer

Good morning everyone and welcome once again to Ballinwillin House Farm and gardens and RetrEat centre on day 2 of our new lock down. My message to you this morning is to stop the noise. I mean all the wall to wall media reports, nothing but Covid. It is poisoning minds and damaging our mental health. It is time to switch down and switch off and switch off the sound and spend time in silence, stillness, meditation and prayer and as I say – the greatest gift we can give to ourselves is to pray for the health, happiness, love and wellbeing for everyone in their lives, those who they dearly care for, those they love and those whoever they may meet on a daily basis. So for today, stop! Don’t let the noise in and listen to the wonderful sounds of Mother Earth and wear your smile.

The Mindful Farmer


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